Minutes April 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of Ropsley & District Parish Council held at Ropsley Hall on Tuesday 30 April 2024


Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance.  Members resolved to suspend Standing Orders to allow the meeting to commence at 7pm.

In Attendance

Councillor Ward (Chair), Councillor Marshall (Vice-Chair), Councillor Campbell, Councillor Hughes, Councillor Vaughan, Councillor Rowbotham, Councillor Louth, District Councillor Sarah Trotter, Andrew Jones (Clerk & RFO).


The Chair opened the meeting at 7.05pm.


1.1       The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. 



2.1       Apologies were received from Councillor Leslie.



3.1         There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.


4.         APPROVAL OF MINUTES (24/04)

4.1       Councillor Marshall proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 19 March 2024 be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Campbell. 

Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2024 were approved and duly signed by the Chair.



               District Councillor Trotter reported as follows:

5.1         District Councillor Trotter confirmed that there were a number of solar farm applications being submitted in the local area including the large one at Welby.

5.2       The Police and Crime Commissioner elections are being held on Thursday 2nd May.

5.3       The Lincolnshire Devolution project is continuing which could result in a mayor for Lincolnshire.

5.4       SKDC have made a grant for the Ropsley Day on the 29th June.

5.5       The SKDC have received funding through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which has resulted in funding for the ex-RAF airfield at Folkingham to celebrate the 80th anniversary od D-Day.


6.         CLERK’S REPORT (24/06)

Councillors noted the contents of the Clerk’s Report with regards to actions from the previous minutes. 


6.1       Item 6.1 Councillor Campbell has successfully assisted Councillor Leslie and Councillor Rowbotham in accessing .gov email.

               Resolved: All Councillors can now access their .gov emails.


6.2         Item 6.2 Clerk to investigate the interest rate we are receiving on the MMBS account.

Action: The Clerk is to contact the historical signatories of the MMBS Account to amend the account.      


7.         FINANCE (24/07)

7.1         Members noted income received as follows:



Amount £


Cemetery Plot purchase








7.2         Members considered the listed items of expenditure for approval.  Councillor Louth proposed that the expenditure be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Marshall.

               Resolved: To approve expenditure as follows:



Amount £

Employment costs

March 2024



Water rates



Registration fee


Employment costs

Tidy Gardens


April 2024

Cemetery maintenance and hedgecutting

Payroll Services






7.3       The Chair proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk. 

Resolved:  To approve the March bank reconciliation, which was duly signed by Councillor Ward.

7.4       Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2024/25 budget to date.       

7.5         The new Expenses Policy was reviewed by the Councillors, and it was agreed that this should be approved.

               Resolved:  The new expenses policy was unanimously approved.

7.6         The Clerk reported that the National Minimum Wage had increased from the 01.04.24 to £11.44 per hour and this would be implemented by the Council.

               The Local Government pay award for 2023/24 had been finalised and it was decided to implement this for the Clerk back dated to September.

               Resolved: To implement the statutory pay awards.



8.         VOLUNTEERS (24/08)

8.1       Equipment storage – The Clerk has not heard anything further from SKDC re the siting of the equipment container and he will therefore contact SKDC.

               Action: The Clerk to contact SKDC re possible siting of equipment container.





9.         PLANNING (24/09)

9.1         To note the following planning applications on which no comments were made:

9.1.1      S24/0433 Reduce 3 x Cypress Trees and Horse Chestnut – Back Lane, Braceby NG34 0SZ

9.1.2      S24/0449 Various tree works – College Farm, Braceby NG34 0SZ


9.2         To note the following planning decisions:

9.2.1      S24/0379 Farmyard at Great Humby, re-use agricultural building to five dwellings Approved 25th April 2024

9.2.2      S23/1939 Installation of Dropped kerb 14 Somerby Road Ropsley NG33 4AY Approved by 11th April 2024

9.2.3      S24/0174 Erection of Bungalow, 38 High Street, Ropsley NG31 8BE – Approved on 26th March 2024


10.       HIGHWAYS (24/10)

10.1      LCC have replied re the Humby bridge repairs and they are sending someone to investigate.

Action: The Clerk to await further details from LCC

10.2      Proposals to reduce vehicle hazard to pedestrians at the corner opposite 12 Humby Road in Ropsley – the Clerk has written to the LCC re the siting of a footpath but has yet to receive a response. 

               Action: The Clerk to chase LCC re possible options.

10.3       The grass triangle at the end of Braceby Road continues to be problematic when vehicles meet and so the Clerk is to write to LCC to discuss changing to a normal T-junction.

Action: Clerk to chase LCC re possible alterations            

10.4       The Chairman enquired whether we could ask for a sign on the A52 at the turn off with Long Lane as the visibility is poor.

               Action: The Clerk will write to LCC again to enquire of the possibility.

10.5       Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership – we have joined the LRSP and we will receive 6 x 30 mph signs that can be attached to lampposts etc. These are free bur er can order more at a cost.

               Action: The Clerk to confirm when the signs are received.


11.       CEMETERY (24/11)

11.1      The grass cutting had started for this year and the hedges had been cut. The work on the trees needs revisiting and the Clerk is to obtain quotes.

Action: The Clerk to obtain quotes for the remaining tree work.

11.2      Wildflower Seeds – Councillor Louth confirmed that these would be sown in the autumn.

Action: Councillor Louth to continue to keep the meeting updated with any progress.            

11.3       Sale of Ride-on Mower – Councillor Louth reported that the ride-on mower had been sold and together with the sale of a small mower and associated costs, it resulted in proceeds of £432.

               Resolved: The ride-on mower was successfully sold.

11.4       The quote was received from Tidy Gardens for the cemetery grass cutting charge at £273 per cut with 12 cuts per year. This quote was for three years. It was unanimously agreed to accept this quote.

               Resolved: The 3 year quote from Tidy Gardens were agreed.


12.       COMMUNITY UPDATES (24/12)

12.1      Major Projects – The Christmas Tree is note at 12.5 below. The possibility of a bulb planting project was discussed  and Councillors Ward, Louth and Campbell would look into this with regards to locations, bulb purchases etc and report back at a future meeting.

               Action: Councillors Ward, Louth and Campbell to report back re autumn bulb planting project

12.2       Newsletter – The next Newsletter will be published in October.

12.3       Ropsley Gates cleaning – The gates at Grantham Road and Humby Road have been cleaned (thanks to Alwyn Sentence and Councillor Campbell). Councillor Ward offered to clen the gates on Braceby Road corner.

               Action: Councillor Ward to organise the cleaning of the Gates on Braceby Road.

12.4      Community update – the defibrillator in Sapperton requires new pads and Councillor Rowbotham is to organise.

               Resolved – Councillor Rowbotham to source defibrillator pads for Sapperton.                  

12.5       Village Christmas Tree - Councillor Hughes reported that we could either purchase a tree annually or buy one to plant. It was thought that it would be better to purchase one for the first year and then get feedback on future years. The cost for the tree and lights would be around £200.

               Action: Councillor Hughes to keep the Council updated on the progress.

12.6       Tree planting and Coronation Orchard Grant

               It was decided that we should apply for the Coronation Orchard Grant which consists of a minimum of 5 trees. A possible area of land on Hall Field has been identified and the Clerk is to submit an application.

A similar application will also be submitted to from The Woodland Trust.

Action: The Clerk to apply for the Coronation Orchard Grant and contact The Woodland Trust.

12.7       Community Forum for Home Insulation, Heating Grants etc

Councillor Vaughan is to continue looking into this.

Action: Councillor Vaughan to report back when there is further news.

12.8      Neighbourhood Plan – The adopted Neighbourhood Plan needs to be put on the Council website and the Clerk is action.

Action: The Clerk to update the website with the adopted Neighbourhood Plan

12.9       Market Cross Surgery Patient Participation letter – the Councillors decided that the Council would not participate in this.


13        CORRESPONDENCE (24/13)

13.1      Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the March meeting. 


14        DATE OF NEXT MEETING (24/14)

14.1      The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 28th May at 7pm at Ropsley Hall.

               This will commence with the Annual Parish Meeting to be followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting.


               The meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.05pm.