Minutes January 2021

Minutes of the Ropsley & District Parish Council Meeting held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Monday, 11 January 2021.
There were no members of the public in attendance.  The meeting commenced at 7.33pm.
The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance, the Vice-Chair Councillor Marshall, Councillors Gosbee, Leslie, Rowbotham and Reeves, District Councillor Trotter, County Councillor Hill and the Clerk Mrs Gascoigne.  
The Chairman gave apologies on behalf of Councillors Sentance and Porter, the reasons for which were accepted.
No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were made.
4.1 The Chairman proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the meetings held on 9 and 30 November 2020 be approved as a true record.
Resolved: The minutes of the meetings held on 9 and 30 November 2020 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.
5.1 District Councillor Trotter reported that there had been 4,323 confirmed COVID cases in South Kesteven since 3 March 2020.  The latest infection rate data showed 384.8 cases per 100,000, and a total of 135 deaths within 28 days of a positive COVID test as of last Monday, 4 January.  Councillor Trotter added that there had been 26,000 positive cases in Lincolnshire as a whole, and 1,053 deaths.  She noted that there was a vaccination site at Grantham Meres Leisure Centre, and smaller hubs would be established at GP surgeries and hospital sites.  Those on the priority list were being contacted by the NHS and this would gather pace over time - she stressed that residents should wait to be contacted and should not turn up without an appointment.  Councillor Trotter informed Members that the meals that had been organised over the Christmas period were well received and appreciated, and that she would look to link with local Councils and pubs in future to arrange meals for those isolating.
County Councillor Martin Hill confirmed that the vaccination hub was live in Grantham, and that other mass vaccination centres and home visit services would be established.  He added that carers would also be on the priority list.  He noted that the Household Waste Recycling Centres (tips) were remaining open, as were most of the County Council’s services.  A mass testing centre had opened in Lincoln, with another due to open in Boston in the coming weeks.  He added that SKDC currently had the highest level of infections in Lincolnshire, but that the number of cases was decreasing, and was still significantly lower than the national average.  Councillor Hill noted that compliance with the lockdown rules was very high, and although the roads were busier than March, town centres were quiet.  He informed Members that Lincolnshire County Council was about to set its budget, and was not planning to increase Council Tax by the additional 3% permitted by government to fund social care as it was aware of the financial impact of COVID on residents.  The Council had received £45m of COVID funding from central government, and was looking to support businesses and sole traders going forward, especially those who had not benefitted from existing funding, and was earmarking some funds to improve the local economy following the pandemic.  
Councillor Rowbotham asked Councillor Hill whether LCC would approach small businesses or whether they would need to apply.  Councillor Hill responded that the funds would be available on an application basis, but that the details of the funding had not yet been finalised and would be publicised when the budget had been approved.
6. CLERK’S REPORT (20/79)
6.1 Members noted the contents of the Clerk’s report, providing updates on actions taken since the last meeting.
7. FINANCE (20/80)
7.1 Members noted income received as follows.
Remitter Purpose Amount £
Carlton Scroop PC Zoom Membership Contribution Oct-Nov 12.00
Councillor Marshall Calendar Donations 460.00
7.2 The Chairman proposed that the items of expenditure listed below be approved.
Resolved:  To approve the proposed items of expenditure.
Payee Purpose Amount £
Ropsley Baboons S137 Grant 350.00
Ropsley Village Hall S137 Grant 1,200.00
Clerk’s Expenses Zoom Membership - November and December 28.78
Councillor’s Expenses Councillor Rowbotham (Mr & Mrs Charles) 50.00
Councillor’s Expenses Ropsley Fuel Costs 45.83
Ropsley & District WI Christmas Gifts scheme (Reserves) 995.51
Ropsley Primary School Christmas Party (Reserves) 500.00
Green Man Meals for Vulnerable People (Reserves) 250.00
Employment Costs November and December 2020 964.50
Autela Payroll Services Payroll Service July - November 80.40
Wave Cemetery Water 23.00
Employment Costs January 2021 596.82
Councillor’s Expenses Councillor Rowbotham Bulbs 44.92
CPRE Annual Membership 36.00
Councillor Marshall asked the Clerk whether she had paid the £500 raised from calendar sales to the Village Hall, which the Clerk responded she had not.  Councillor Marshall asked that the Clerk pay a total of £555 to the Village Hall, to include £45 recently received from the Green Man for sale of calendars, and £10 received from Councillor Buckley for the purchase of a calendar.  Councillor Marshall reported that the Green Man had raised £142 from the sale of items from the pub which was to be donated to the Parish Council to be used towards a project, possibly the new sign.
Action: Councillor Marshall and Buckley to pay in funds raised to the Parish bank account, and the Clerk to pay £555 to the Village Hall.
7.3 The Chairman proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.  Resolved:  To approve the December bank reconciliation.
7.4 Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2020/21 budget to date previously circulated by the Clerk.
7.5 Precept Setting 2021/22
The Chairman reported that he had spoken with Councillor Porter, who felt that the Council had worked hard to raise the precept to a sustainable level, and he would be reluctant to reduce this amount.  Members were in agreement with this view, and considered that it was necessary to prepare for costs that might arise, for example if the Council had to pay for grass cutting services.  Members discussed the earmarking of current reserves, and asked that the Clerk circulate a list to Councillors.  They discussed the need to increase the fund for the purchase of cemetery land held in the Melton Mowbray Building Society account, and provision for a village event once the pandemic had ended.  The Chairman proposed that the precept be set at £12.5k, the same amount as last year, which would be a 0% increase on Band D. 
Resolved: To set the precept at £12.5k, a 0% change on Band D from 2020/21.
Action: The Clerk to report the precept required to South Kesteven District Council and to circulate a list of earmarked reserves to Councillors.
8. PLANNING (20/81)
8.1 Members noted the following planning decisions and applications, on which no comments were made:
Application No: S20/1732 
Proposal: Works to two sycamore trees and planting replacement trees.
Location: Rectory Cottage, 42 High Street, Ropsley, Lincolnshire, NG33 4BE
Decision/Date: 16 November 2020/Work allowed
8.2 Application No: S20/1680
Proposal: Proposed extensions & alterations to existing dwelling. 
Location: 9 The Chase, Ropsley, NG33 4AN.
Decision/Date: 1 December 2020/Granted
8.3 Application No: S20/1779 
Proposal: Single storey rear extension, demolition and rebuild of side porch and new decking to the rear. 
Location: 5-7 Chapel Hill, Ropsley, NG33 4BW
Decision/Date: 14 December 2020/Granted
8.4 Proposal: Non-material amendment to S19/1538 (change of roof tiles to Cumbrian Welsh Slate)
Location: Chain Farm House, Bridge End Road, Ropsley 
Decision/Date Amendments Approved 14 December 2020
8.5 Application No: S20/1984
Proposal: Crown reduction, crown thin and raise lower limbs 
Location: 20 High Street Ropsley Lincolnshire NG33 4BE 
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 22 December 2020
8.6 Application No: S20/1591 
Proposal: To install air source heating unit at the front of the house, extend the rear porch 
Location: Rectory Cottage, 42 High Street, Ropsley, NG33 4BE.
Decision/Date: 23 December 2020/Granted
8.7 Members noted correspondence from South Kesteven District Council acknowledging the Parish Council’s response to the Local Plan Consultation.  The Chairman noted planning applications S20/2221 and S20/2222 which had been received after the agenda had been finalised, relating to changes of use of agricultural buildings to dwellings and flexible commercial units at Manor Farm, Great Humby.  Councillors asked that the Clerk contact SKDC to request further information regarding what flexible commercial units might entail, and to comment on the planning application that the Council was concerned that this use might cause increased traffic depending on the nature of the industry involved.  Councillor Trotter informed Members that she would also query what the planned use would be. 
Resolved: The Clerk to comment on planning applications S20/2221 and 2222.
Action: The Clerk to request further information regarding the proposed use of the flexible commercial units.
9.1 The Chairman reported that the Planning Inspector had visited the parish and had responded with several questions.  The planning advisor had given his comments, which, with the Steering Groups comments would be sent to the inspector.  The Chairman reported that Ropsley Farms had asked Savills to write to SKDC during the consultation to say that there should have been consideration re the Braceby Old Quarry as a site for development. The planning advisor had advised that this was not a material consideration and sat outside of the Neighbourhood Planning and Local Planning process.  The Neighbourhood Planning Inspector would receive the response to his questions by 22 January and would then complete his report following which the Neighbourhood Plan could proceed to referendum.  The intention had originally been to co-ordinate the referendum with the local elections in May, but it was possible that this would be delayed due to COVID restrictions.
10. HIGHWAYS (20/83)
10.1 Drainage Matters
Councillor Gosbee reported that he had met with Mr Plummer and that the problem with drainage affecting his shed and at the bottom of Crown Hill was still ongoing.  The Clerk added that Anglian Water had indicated that they would be happy to attend a site meeting, but that Lincolnshire County Council Highways department had declined to meet due to the pandemic.  County Councillor Hill informed Members that the works, including the drain outside the Green Man, were on the list to be attended to by Highways following the walk about in March 2020.  Councillor Hill indicated that it may be necessary to put a camera into the drain to determine the cause of the issue, and that he would ask Rowan Smith to attend the meeting on behalf of Highways.  Councillor Leslie asked whether the meeting could also include the culvert at Braceby corner which flooded when it rained, about which Councillor Hill agreed to speak with Rowan Smith.  County Councillor Hill left the meeting at 8.33pm.
Action: The Clerk to contact Anglian Water to arrange a meeting after the current lockdown, and to provide Councillor Hill with the details so that he could arrange for Highways to be represented.
10.2 Speeding Traffic in Ropsley
The Chairman informed Members that, following the last meeting, the Clerk had contacted PCSO Bowden, who had agreed to visit the village to assess vehicle speeds.  Councillor Reeves suggested that signage would also be beneficial.  The Chairman responded that on previous occasions, the village had not been deemed to meet criteria for speed signage, and that traffic had not increased during the pandemic.  Councillors discussed areas where speeding was a particular issue, including the main road from Long Lane, the road to Old Somerby and the High Street by the Green Man.  Councillor Marshall noted that the village gates, to be discussed later on the agenda, would provide a visual reminder for drivers to slow down, and would also narrow the highway.  
Resolved: To proceed with PCSO Bowden’s proposed speed monitoring event and to research possible signage options.
Action: The Clerk to present signage options to the March meeting, and to follow up with PSCO Bowden.  The Council to seek volunteers for Community Speedwatch activity after the pandemic.
Councillor Rowbotham informed Members that the damaged culvert barriers reported to Highways had now been repaired.  Councillor Gosbee reported that the triangle of grass outside the Village Hall had not yet been reinstated and lorries were now coming even closer to the hedge and damaging the verge, which would pose a hazard to anyone walking on the grass.
Action: The Clerk to send an email to the Village Hall Committee to seek an update on her previous email regarding reinstatement of the grass triangle.
11. CEMETERY (20/84)
11.1 The Chairman reported that he and Councillor Gosbee had met with a family regarding their memorial and had approved the application and reached an understanding regarding additional items on the grave.  The Clerk reported that she had received a further email from the family requesting that a memorial bench be placed in the cemetery.  Members discussed the application, and agreed that as there were already four benches in the cemetery there was not currently capacity for another.  Councillors proposed that a plaque on the existing bench owned by the family could be permitted, and that when one of the existing benches needed to be replaced, they would be happy to consider the family’s request for a replacement bench. 
Resolved: To decline the request for a memorial bench.
Action: The Clerk to write to the family to inform them of the Council’s decision.
12.1 Village Gates
Councillor Marshall presented her research on village gates to Members.  She agreed to obtain formal quotes for six gates, to include speed signage, and to talk to Councillors Gosbee and Sentance regarding the siting in relation to existing flower boxes.  
Action: Councillor Marshall to report back to the next meeting, and the Clerk to contact Highways to enquire whether they needed to give permission for the gates, and what the process was to request a 30mph be painted on the road in Ropsley.
12.2 Village Sign
The Chairman proposed that a provisional sum of £1,500 be approved for the sign subject to the final quote being provided by Turnex.
Resolved: To approve a sum of up to £1,500 for the village sign.
12.3 Sandblasting and Adoption of Phone Boxes
Councillor Porter had informed the Chairman that the cost to refurbish the telephone box at Sapperton would be £520 plus VAT including all labour and materials.  Councillor Rowbotham informed Members that she had some paint available and would contact Councillor Porter regarding this.  The Clerk reported that a consultation process was required prior to adopting the telephone box at Braceby from BT, and Members asked that she contact them to initiate the consultation process. 
Resolved: To approve expenditure of £520 plus VAT to refurbish the telephone box at Sapperton.
Action: The Clerk to contact BT regarding the adoption of the telephone box at Braceby.
12.4 Calendar Sales
This was discussed at item 7.2 above.
12.5 Parish Council membership of the Village Hall Management Committee
The Chairman reported that the Village Hall Committee had asked for a Parish Council representative to attend meetings as one of the user groups.  Members agreed to attend meetings, of which there were six per year, on a rota basis.
Action: Councillor Reeves to inform the Clerk of forthcoming meeting dates, and the Clerk to draw up a rota for circulation to Members.
12.6 Village Hall Works
Councillor Reeves reported that the Hall was ready to open as of 1 January, but that it had not yet done so due to the current lockdown.  The official opening would take place with a full community event within the next 12 months.  Members discussed the lack of signage which had been raised as an issue in the Best Kept Village competition, and considered commissioning pictorial maps for the Village Hall as well as Humby, Great Humby, Braceby and Sapperton. 
Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda and the Chairman to speak with Mr Whinney regarding potential designs.
12.7 Community Updates from Councillors
Councillor Marshall reported that she planned to run the Best Kept Garden competition again, beginning in April and would like to ask John Stirland to judge.  Councillor Leslie reported that Braceby’s church roof had been finished and the Church was now open.  The Chairman reported that he would like to issue a Parish Newsletter.
Action: The Clerk to add the Best Kept Garden competition to the March agenda.
13.1 Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the November meeting.
14.1 No report.
15.1 Monday 8 March 2021
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm