Minutes July 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of Ropsley & District Parish Council held at Ropsley Hall on Monday 15th July 2024.


Public Forum

There was one member of the public in attendance. He was concerned that the building work that is to be carried out in Great Humby would damage the grass triangle opposite Station House which includes a large amount of bee orchids. It was decided that we would write to LCC to take the triangle off the mowing schedule and purchase some Protected Verge signs to highlight it’s importance.


The member of the public then left the meeting.


In Attendance

Councillor Ward (Chair), Councillor Marshall (Vice-Chair), Councillor Hughes, Councillor Vaughan, Councillor Leslie, Mr Andrew Jones (Clerk & RFO), Councillor Trotter (SKDC), Councillor Martin Hill (LCC)


The Chair opened the meeting at 7.15pm



The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. The Chairman informed the meeting that Councillor Rowbotham had tendered her resignation as a Councillor, and he expressed the thanks of the Council for her long and valuable contribution.



Apologies were received from Councillor Louth and Councillor Campbell:  the reasons for which were accepted.



No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were made.



               Councillor Marshall proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th May be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.

Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2024 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.



The Chair and Vice-Chair signed the Declarations of Acceptance of Office.



Councillor Trotter reported as follows:

There have been concerns about the number of cars parked near the garage especially near the Peck Hill/Chapel Hill junction and also hampering the visibility when turning out of Paddock Close. This is obviously a road safety concern and the situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

She also attended the Police and Crime Panel Meeting and emphasised the need for more patrols throughout our villages.

Security has been stepped up at the SKDC offices following various assault against SKDC staff.

There is a possibility to apply to the SKDC Communities Grant for the Container cost and the Clerk is to look into this.

The Solar Farm proposal at Welby has been turned down due to the quality of the agricultural land but this may be reversed now that there is a change of government and the new green energy policy.

The large solar farm at Mallard Pass has been approved.

Councillor Hill reported that following the change of government, the plans for devolution and new mayors are on hold.

The housing targets have not changed.

However, there is concern over the government’s new green energy policy and the plans for widescale solar farms, electricity pylons and water transfer pipes over the Lincolnshire countryside.

The Highways Agency is working full time on repairing potholes and repairing the ruts at the side of the roads.

Transport continues to be a major cost for LCC especially with Home to School transport costs

However, the cap on the cost of bus fares is set to continue.

Until we know what the new spending budgets will be under the new government, it is wait-and-see at present.


  1. CLERK’S REPORT (24/37)

               Councillors noted the contents of the Clerk’s Report with regards to actions from previous minutes. 



  1. FINANCE (24/38)

8.1         Members noted income received as follows:



Amount £

Sale of mowers (net)


G H Linnell

Price and Sons

Sale of mowers

Community Cleaner grant

Cemetery fees

Cemetery fees

432.00 463.32 75.00 135.00




8.2         Councillor Marshall proposed that the following payments be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Leslie.



Amount £

Tidy Gardens

Cemetery cutting – May


PC World

Clerk Laptop


A Jones


Clear Insurance

Community Heartbeat Employment costs


Tidy Gardens

Clerk expenses

Annual subscription

Annual Premium

Defib charge-pack

June 2024

Water charges

Cemetery cutting - June

156.00 270.04 725.64 78.24 766.45 473.05 546.00




               Resolved: To approve the payments as listed.


8.3         Councillor Hughes proposed that the June bank reconciliation be approved, which was seconded by             Councillor Ward.

Resolved:  To approve the June bank reconciliation.

  1. Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2024/25 budget to date. 
  2. The 2023/24 Internal Audit Report had not yet been received from the Auditor and so it would be revisited at the next meeting.
  3. A funding request was received from the Ropsley and District Produce Show. Following a lengthy discussion, it was decided following a vote (4 in favour, 1 abstention) that we could not support this request.





  1. PLANNING (24/39)

9.1         To consider the following planning applications received since the last meeting:

  1. S24/0898 Remove 3 trees – 12-16 Cedar House, Ropsley NG33 4BE
  2. S24/1117 Tree works to clear boundary path, St Peter’s Church Ropsley NG33 4DA



9.2         To note the following planning decisions:

  1. S24/0898 Remove 3 trees – 12-16 Cedar House, Ropsley NG33 4BE approved 25th June 2024


  1. HIGHWAYS (24/40)


10.1       The 30mph speed limit signs have been installed. There is one on Grantham Road, one on Peck Hill near the Village Hall, one on the High Street near Hall Field, one on Humby Road and one in Little Humby. We also have one spare to be installed wherever if required.

The Clerk has also written to LCC to ask for an advisory speed limit of 20mph around the Primary School and he will report back when he has received a response.

Action: To chase LCC re 20mph Speed Limit

10.2       With regards the updates from LCC

               More visible sign on A52/Long Lane junction – they will not be installing any further signs.

               The white bridge on Humby Road – work to be carried out

               Grass triangle on Braceby Road – LCC investigating

               Action: The Clerk to await further information from LCC.



  1. CEMETERY (24/41)

11.1       The Clerk is to contact Crimson Kings to look at the two remaining trees in the cemetery to assess whether the work on them will wait until the autumn mainly for Safety purposes.

               Action: The Clerk to contact Crimson Kings re the cemetery trees.

11.2       Barry has been given a replacement mower whilst his goes in for repair




12.1       The Christmas Tree project is ongoing and Councillor Hughes is to announce this on the Council’s Facebook page. Some kind of base is required, and she is to contact Welby Parish Council as they have one for their tree.

               Action: Councillor Hughes to investigate further

12.2       Bulb Planting and Litter Picking to be carried forward to the next meeting.

               Action: To ensure these items are on the agenda for future meetings

12.3       Storage container – The Clerk now has details of a new contact at SKDC and so he will write re the siting at Munton Fields.

               Action: The Clerk to contact SKDC re the siting of the storage container.

  1. The Chairman is to meet with the LCC on the 22nd July to discuss the orchard siting etc

               Action: The Chairman to report on his meeting with LCC

  1. We have had 37 affirmative replies re the Hedgehog Scheme and it was agreed that the Clerk order the required amount.

Action: The Clerk to order

  1. Under Community Updates:

Councillor Rowbotham oversaw the 5 Defibrillators that we have and therefore we require someone else to look after these.

Action: Organise someone to oversee the Defibrillators.

Some of the Notice Boards require attention – The Clerk to look into the cost of new ones.

Action: Clerk to look at cost of new Notice Boards



13.1       Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the May meeting.


17.         DATE OF NEXT MEETING (24/44)

17.1       The date for the next meeting was set for Monday 9th September 2024 at 7pm at Ropsley Hall.



               The Chair closed the meeting at 9.16pm.