Minutes March 2020

Notes of the Ropsley & District Parish Council Meeting held in the Memorial Hall, Ropsley on Monday, 9 March 2020
Public Forum, 7.00pm
12 members of the public were in attendance. The Chairman, Councillor Buckley, advised attendees that the public forum was their opportunity to speak before the commencement of the Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm. 
A number of attendees addressed the meeting to express objections to the planning application for Sycamore Cottage, Sapperton, which included:
• movement of vehicles around the site, with a car park built to fit six cars.  The number of vehicles was unlike an average family with children.  The noise and disturbance associated with this number of vehicles and visitors and staff arriving and leaving throughout the day and evening would be substantial.
• the location of the property on a T junction close to a blind corner, especially with increased vehicle activity.   There is hazardous vehicle activity at present, evidenced by tyre marks mounting the grass verge, as the road is too narrow when entering or leaving the property.  A post vehicle was recently run off the road at this location and had to be rescued by farm vehicles.  There have previously been two collisions and further near collisions resulting from previous residents of the property parking on the road.
• the proximity to agricultural activity, which is dangerous by its nature, and that new residents unfamiliar with life in the countryside and not from farms would be unaware of the hazards.  There is also a haulage company near the property, with large fast-moving vehicles which would present a hazard to residents.
• the location of Sycamore Cottage overlooking the neighbouring property would be likely to cause disturbance.
• the location is unsustainable, remote from facilities, public transport and schools.  There are no leisure facilities for children in the area.  In the absence of amenities in Sapperton, the residents may be tempted to enter farm properties.
• lack of justification for the proposed location, especially in view of the impact on neighbours from noise and disturbance.  The children concerned would be from outside Lincolnshire with no connection to the area.
• The potential for confrontation, police attendance if there are issues with challenging behaviour and the detrimental impact on safety for vulnerable Sapperton residents.  
District Councillor Sarah Trotter addressed the meeting.  She reported that she had been involved with the planning application for Walnut House at Ropsley which was refused by SKDC last week.  Whilst she expressed sympathy for the children requiring the type of accommodation proposed, she was concerned that there was very little consideration of the existing residents of Sapperton evidenced.  
Councillor Trotter added that the Walnut House application had been called in to Planning Committee, and that the grounds for refusal had included the unsustainable location for the form and type of development, that it did not meet the conditions for development of open countryside in the SKDC Local Plan and was not an accessible location.  There was no evidence of locally based need for this type of development.  The proposed development adjoined existing property, and due to car parking and visitors, there would be noise and disturbance to existing residents.
The Chairman asked those present whether they wished to offer a contrary view in the interest of balance, to which there was no response.  All but two of the parishioners left the meeting at 7.40pm.
1. Welcome Remarks by the Chairman (19/64)
The Parish Council meeting commenced at 7.40pm following the extended public forum.  The Chairman, Councillor Buckley welcomed attendees to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance were Councillor Marshall, Councillor Rowbotham, Councillor Gosbee, Councillor Porter, Councillor Leslie, Councillor Sentance, Councillor Reeves, District Councillor Trotter and County Councillor Hill and the prospective candidate for appointment to Clerk, Mrs N Gascoigne.  Two parishioners remained in attendance throughout the meeting.
2. Apologies (19/65)
There were no apologies for absence. 
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and Requests for Dispensation (19/65)
Councillor Leslie declared a personal interest in the planning application for Laburnum Cottage, but noted that this had already been decided.
4. Signing of the Minutes (19/66)
The notes of the meeting held on Monday, 13 January 2020 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were passed by resolution of the Council.  The minutes were duly signed and dated by the Chairman. 
5. Reports Received from District and County Councillors (19/67)
County Councillor Hill advised Members that the issue of planning applications for accommodating Looked After Children (LAC) was likely to continue.  Accommodation and labour costs in our region are lower than in the South, and as the host county Lincolnshire has no involvement with the children, who continue to be supervised by Children’s Services in their originating area. There are 430 Out of County LAC placed in Lincolnshire at present.  There is concern about monitoring private homes, and there are limited reasons to refuse applications on planning grounds.  Applicants may appeal against refusal to the Planning Inspector in Bristol.  Regulation of homes is through Ofsted, not Lincolnshire County Council, although Ofsted guidance specifies excessive isolation as an issue for inspectors.  The Highways Department can only object to applications on Highways or flooding grounds.
District Councillor Trotter reported that it is her intention to call the Sycamore Cottage application before the Planning Committee, subject to approval by SKDC in the next few days.  Notices have been posted calling for objections to the application.  Councillor Trotter also reported that the traveller site at Cold Harbour, which affects parishes surrounding Ropsley, is up for appeal on 21 April.  Councillor Trotter advised that representations may be made in person at the meeting.  Councillor Trotter also reported that her Ward Members grant had been approved.
6. Recruitment of a New Parish Clerk (19/68)
The Chairman introduced the prospective candidate for the vacant position of Clerk, Mrs Gascoigne.  He advised that he and Councillor Marshall had interviewed Mrs Gascoigne and wished to propose that she be appointed at the top of the advertised salary scale (National Association of Local Councils scale LC1 scp 17), which proposal was approved by Members.  The Chairman reported that he had contacted LALC regarding drawing up a contract of employment for the Clerk.
Resolved: That Mrs Gascoigne be appointed as Clerk to the Parish Council, with employment to commence as of 9 March 2020.
7. Finance (19/69)
7.1. To Note Receipts
7.1.1 Members noted the receipt of the District Councillors grant of £150.
7.1.2 Members noted the receipt of Cemetery Fees of £60 cash and £60 cheque for the reservation of plots from Councillor Gosbee.  Receipts have been issued to payees and the amounts are to be banked.
7.2 To Approve Payments Made.
7.2.1 Members noted a payment of £154 for January and £154 for February and approved expenditure of £154 for 
March to the Community Cleaner.
7.2.2 Members noted payments made of £600 in January, £500 and £340.07 in February relating to the Local Plan.
7.2.3 Members approved payment of £525.44 to Clive Keble in relation to Neighbourhood Plan Consultancy.
7.2.4 Members approved payment of £73 for hire of the Village Hall.
7.2.5 Members approved payment of £50 for banner and map printing.
7.2.6 Members approved payment of £247.55 for the LALC Annual Subscription for 2020/21.
7.3 To Approve Financial Statement. 
Members approved the financial statement prepared by Councillor Buckley.
7.4 To Approve Deferral of Discussion on the Purchase of Office 365 Infinite, Purchase of Bins and Instant Access Bank Account to the next meeting.
Members agreed to defer these items to the next meeting.
7.5 To Discuss Precept 2020/2021.
The Chairman reported that the precept request had been submitted to SKDC in the amount of £12,500 as previously approved by Council and that this had been accepted.  This represented an increase of £1,000 on the previous year’s precept to allow the funding of more aspirational projects in the Parish.
7.6 Arrangements for Budgets and Compilation of Year-End Accounts
The Chairman informed Members that the financial records were currently with Mr Jones who had agreed to complete the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) in the absence of a Clerk.  The new Clerk, Mrs Gascoigne, informed Members that she would be happy to complete the AGAR if required.  The Chairman proposed that he speak with Mr Jones to enquire as to his progress on the accounts and whether it would be beneficial for the Clerk to take on completion of the AGAR if he had not yet done so.
Resolved: The Chairman to contact Mr Jones to determine progress on the accounts and to arrange transfer of financial records to the Clerk for completion of the AGAR if appropriate.
7.7 Update on Changing of Banking Clearance and Details
The Chairman proposed that this item be deferred to the next meeting, with which proposal Members were in agreement.
8. Matters Arising for the Last Meeting (19/70)
8.1 Planting of Hornbeam Tree near Village Hall
A 14-feet-tall Hornbeam tree had been delivered and is to be planted in the gap in the hedge near the Village Hall.  It will be set back so as not to be interfered with by hedge trimming. 
8.2 Allocation of District Councillor’s Ward Grant
The Chairman proposed that the grant of £150 be allocated against expenditure on a Parish Sign.  He had spoken with Mr Whinney who had agreed to produce a specification and had quoted £200 for the work.  Councillor Marshall suggested that it may be fitting to arrange an unveiling event once the sign is installed. 
Resolved: To approve allocation of the District Councillor’s Ward Grant to the village sign, and to accept the quote for £200 from Mr Whinney, with the grant supplemented by £50 Parish funds.
8.3 Any Other Issues.
No further issues were reported.
9. Planning (19/71)
9.1 S19/1933 - Fell and treat trees Ropsley House.
Members noted.
9.2 S20/0042 - Ropsley Fox Car Park 
Councillor Marshall reported that residents she had spoken to were in favour of the application, as none of the properties overlooked existing dwellings and they were keen to see a resolution to the site.  She had also spoken to the developer.  There were no objections to this application.  
9.3 S20/0032 - Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission.
Members had no comments.
9.4 S20/0055 - New position of car port 
Councillor Rowbotham reported having looked at the proposed plans, and that she did not feel there to be an issue.  Members had no comments.
9.5 To note that South Kesteven Local Plan 2011-2036 was formally adopted on 31.01.20
Members noted.
9.6 S19/1921 Extension to Laburnum Cottage, Braceby 
Members noted that the application had been refused on the grounds that the works would change the façade of a listed building in a conservation area.
9.7 S19/1963 Conversion of stable to groom's cottage - South Lodge Risewood Lane Ropsley
Members noted.
9.8 S20/0161 Various tree works falling under TPO - Rectory Cottage, 42 High Street, Ropsley
Members had no comments.
9.9 S19/1938 Change of use to Children’s Home - Walnut House, Somerby Road, Ropsley
As discussed during the public forum, Members noted that this application has been refused.
9.10 S20/0166 Change of use to Children’s Home - Sycamore Cottage, Braceby Road, Sapperton 
Members discussed the application following public representations received during the public forum.  
Resolved: The Council to submit objections to the application based on the reasons for refusal of application S19/1938 for Walnut House.  The Clerk to circulate the proposed response to Councillors for comment before submission to SKDC.
9.11 S20/0292 Reduce cedar tree -The Birches, 18 High Street, Ropsley 
Members had no comments.
9.12 S19/2099 Erection of rear first floor extension - Stone Lodge, Little Humby 
Members noted.
10. Highways (19/72)
10.1 LCC Highways Parish Inspection 12 March 2020
Councillors Buckley, Gosbee, Leslie and County Councillor Hill indicated that they would attend.  Members noted that the inspection would now cover the whole Parish rather than Little Humby as originally planned.
10.2 Lorry Damaged Roads near Sapperton and Braceby
The Chairman reported that LCC Highways Department had attended to repair potholes and had asked residents to remove sticks that had been placed at the side of the road to keep cars on the highway due to the potential for cars being damaged resulting in legal action.  Members discussed collapsed kerb stones at the side of the road caused by lorries mounting the verge.  The Chairman had asked the police to place cones to indicate the hazard and the farm had begun to fill in the damaged area.  Both Councillor Hill and the Highways Department were aware of the issues.  The Chairman added that the Parish Council is mindful and supportive of the agricultural nature of the Parish, but is equally concerned for road safety.  
Resolved: Damage to be surveyed during the Highways Inspection, following which Councillor Buckley to write a letter to the Highways Department expressing the Parish Council’s concern.  
10.3 Other Faults and Defects
Members noted that the hole under the road near the quarry had now been secured.  The Chairman asked that Members let him know of any further defects prior to the inspection visit on 12 March.  County Councillor Hill reported that Balfour Beatty had been award the LCC highways contracts, and that their teams would be available to carry out small works across the County.
Councillor Hill left the meeting at 8.30pm
11. Neighbourhood Plan (19/73)
The Chairman reported that the consultation on the draft plan was ongoing, and that interesting feedback and comments had so far been received.  He informed Members that the grant funding needed to be reconciled and submitted before the end of March.  The final tranche of grant money of £1,846 for printing and consultant’s fees would be applied for in April or May.  The Chairman reported that one further exhibition would take place between 3.30 and 7.30pm on 17 March.  He asked that Councillors encourage their neighbours to fill in the questionnaire.  Members noted that the Neighbourhood Plan consultation document was available on the Parish Council website and Facebook.
Action: The Clerk to confirm SKDC’s responsibility for arranging the referendum and whether a charge for paper copies of the Neighbourhood Plan could be made.
12. Cemetery (19/74)
Councillor Gosbee proposed that the Parish Council approve the purchase of a new lawnmower.  The gearbox had broken on the existing mower, and would cost £200 in parts plus labour to repair.  The rest of the mower was also worn out.  A quote of £647 including a 15% discount for a new mower had been obtained, on which VAT could be reclaimed.  This would include 1 year’s warranty.  Councillor Marshall asked whether sufficient funds were available for the purchase.  The Chairman responded that, although there was not a specific budget set aside, there were sufficient general funds available.
Resolved: To approve the purchase of a new lawn mower per the quote provided.
Councillor Reeves asked whether a specific budget could be prepared for the cemetery as the costs were potentially higher than the income received.  Councillors agreed to review income levels.
Resolved: To consider the Burial Ground Fees at the next meeting of the Parish Council.
Members noted that the water bill for the cemetery had been received and was in credit.  Payments had been higher due to a burst pipe and the tap being used to top up the pond in the previous year.
13. Any Other Business (19/75)
13.1 Update on the New Village Hall
Members received an update from the monthly trustees meeting.  Building works were on schedule to be completed by end of September.  Councillor Gosbee expressed concern about village hall users parking on the road, and preventing access for emergency vehicles.  Members noted that the conditions of hire specified that the road should not be blocked.  
13.2 New Parish Website Training
The Clerk informed Members that she had booked to attend mandatory training for the new Parish Council website hosted by Lincolnshire County Council on 22 April at Welton.
13.3 Parish Councils meeting at SKDC on 20 March
Councillor Marshall reported that she would be attending the meeting, arranged by SKDC District Councillor Cooke at which Gareth Davis MP for Grantham and Stamford would be in attendance, and asked that Members forward any questions to her by email.
13.4 Best Kept Village Competition
The Chairman informed Members that there would be no Campaign for the Protection of Rural England Best Kept Village competition this year, as SKDC had not approved funding.  CPRE had indicated that there may be a new community competition in the future with different criteria. Members discussed the possibility of organising a local competition with a prize and cup.
Resolved: To add consideration of a Parish garden competition to the agenda for the next meeting.  Councillor Marshall to produce advertising posters for approval.
Members also discussed a potential social event suggested by Ropsley Farms, towards which the Council was supportive. 
14.0 Date of Next Meeting (19/76)
Monday 11th May 2020 at 7pm.  Councillor Leslie offered her apologies.
Meeting closed at 8.54pm