March 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Ropsley & District Parish Council held at Ropsley Hall on Tuesday 19 March 2024
Public Forum
There were no members of the public in attendance. Members resolved to suspend Standing Orders to allow the meeting to commence at 7pm.
In Attendance
Councillor Ward (Chair), Councillor Marshall (Vice-Chair), Councillor Campbell, Councillor Hughes, Councillor Leslie, Councillor Vaughan, Councillor Rowbotham, Mr Andrew Jones (Clerk & RFO.
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.05pm.
1.1 The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.
2.1 Apologies were received from Councillor Louth and District Councillor Trotter.
3.1 There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.
4.1 Councillor Marshall proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 January 2024 be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Rowbotham.
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2024 were approved and duly signed by the Chair.
As District Councillor Trotter was unable to attend the meeting, she had forwarded her Report to the Clerk.
5.1 District Councillor Trotter confirmed that the planning application to turn the bungalow at 9 Paddock Close into a care home had been withdrawn.
5.2 SKDC had been successful in securing £887,000 in funding from Historic England through the High Street Heritage Action Zone programme and this had been matched with £375,000 funding from SKDC to support the regeneration of the historic town centre.
5.3 A further £90,000 had been received from Historic England to support cultural activity within the town centre.
5.4 There is a new leader at SKDC, Ashley Baxter from Market Deeping, with Richard Cleaver his deputy.
5.5 The roll out of the new recycling rules has caused a great deal of confusion but hopefully this is now resolved and lessons have been learnt by the new administration.
5.6 Councillor Trotter attended a meeting at the Police and Crime Panel to meet the new Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police, Paul Gibson, who started his career in Grantham.
5.7 Councillor Trotter also forwarded details of a proposed Solar Farm on Church Lane, Welby for information to the Councillors.
6. CLERK’S REPORT (23/80)
Councillors noted the contents of the Clerk’s Report with regards to actions from the previous minutes.
6.1 Item 6.1 Councillor Leslie and Councillor Rowbotham are having problems accessing their .gov email – Councillor Campbell to assist.
Action: Councillor Campbell to assist Councillor Leslie and Councillor Rowbotham with accessing their email addresses.
6.2 Item 7.4 Clerk to look into the interest rate we are receiving on the MMBS account.
Action: The Clerk is to contact the signatories of the MMBS Account.
7. FINANCE (23/81)
7.1 Members noted income received as follows:
Remitter Purpose Amount £
Western Power Wayleave 22.96
7.2 Members considered the listed items of expenditure for approval. Councillor Marshall proposed that the expenditure be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.
Resolved: To approve expenditure as follows:
Payee Purpose Amount £
Employment costs January 2024 557.15
TMRS Mowers and rotavator repairs and service 557.85
World of Power Lawnmower purchase 543.99
Employment costs
Print Bureau
Autela February 2024
Cemetery Training Course
Printing of Newsletters
Payroll Services
7.3 The Chair proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.
Resolved: To approve the February bank reconciliation, which was duly signed by Councillor Ward.
7.4 Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2023/24 budget to date.
7.5 The example Expenses Policy was reviewed by the Councillors and the Clerk is to amend and forward the final copy for approval at the next meeting.
Action: A new expenses policy to be approved at the next meeting
7.6 An application for a grant of between £100 and £275 has been received from Ropsley Village Hall for the 2024 Ropsley Festival in June. It was felt that because it is not just an event held for the members of the Parish, that we should decline the application.
Resolved: A vote was taken and it was unanimously agreed that we would not give a grant for this purpose.
8. VOLUNTEERS (23/82)
8.1 Equipment storage - Councillor Trotter has obtained a contact at SKDC and the Clerk is to contact him with our proposals. Councillor Rowbotham has contacted George Padley who is able to provide a 20’ container via a third party.
Action: The Clerk to contact SKDC re possible siting of equipment container and Councillor Rowbotham to obtain a quote for a 20’ container.
9. PLANNING (23/83)
9.1 To note the following planning applications on which no comments were made:
9.1.1 S23/1939 Installation of Dropped kerb 14 Somerby Road Ropsley NG33 4AY
9.1.2 S23/1255 Erection of Bungalow, 38 High Street, Ropsley NG31 8BE – before the Planning Committee on the 19.01.24 – resubmitted 5th February 2024
9.1.3 S23/2159 Change of use from C3 to C2 of 9 Paddock Close, Ropsley to Care Home – application withdrawn
9.1.4 S24/0413 Chestnuts Farm, Sapperton Barn conversion to two dwellings
9.1.5 S24/0369 Farmyard at Great Humby, re-use agricultural building to two dwellings
9.2 To note the following planning decisions:
9.2.1 S23/2265 Monolith Sycamore Tree Church Farm Braceby NG34 0TA Approved 9th January 2024
9.2.2 S23/1452 Extension to 1 Peck Hill, Ropsley Approved 31st January 2024
9.2.3 S23/1659 Rear Extension Stone Cottage Ropsley Approved 8th February 2024
9.2.4 S23/2202 Proposed new kin, doors, windows etc Brookfield, Little Humby Approved 20th February 2024
9.2.5 S24/0235 Retain existing Mobile Classroom at Ropsley School for 5 years Approved 7th March 2024
9.2.6 S24/0236 Extension to existing quarry at Ropsley Hollow Approved 12th March 2024
10. HIGHWAYS (23/84)
10.1 The grit boxes, Humby bridge repairs and the bollards in Braceby were still to be completed so the Clerk is to write to LCC to chase.
Action: The Clerk to chase LCC for action
10.2 Proposals to reduce vehicle hazard to pedestrians at the corner opposite 12 Humby Road in Ropsley – the Clerk has written to the LCC re the siting of a footpath but has yet to receive a response.
Action: The Clerk to chase LCC re possible options.
10.3 The grass triangle at the end of Braceby Road continues to be problematic when vehicles meet and so the Clerk is to write to LCC to discuss changing to a normal T-junction.
Action: Clerk to chase LCC re possible alterations
10.4 The Chairman enquired whether we could ask for a sign on the A52 at the turn off with Long Lane as the visibility is poor.
Action: The Clerk will write to LCC
10.5 Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership – The Clerk noted that the joining fee was £50 and this entitled you to some speed limit signs as well as other road safety items. It was decided to join this.
Action: The Clerk was instructed to arrange the payment and join the LRSP
11. CEMETERY (23/85)
11.1 Update on Work Needed – Councillor Louth will provide an update at the next meeting.
Action: Councillor Louth to provide an Update at the next meeting.
11.2 Wildflower Seeds – Councillor Louth will provide an update at the next meeting.
Action: Councillor Louth to provide an Update at the next meeting.
11.3 Possible sale of Ride-on Mower – it was decided that as we no longer used this, it would be beneficial to put it up for sale. Councillor Louth to organise this.
Action: Councillor Louth to arrange the sale of the ride-on mower.
11.4 To consider quotes for the cemetery maintenance for 2024. The Clerk has received a quote from Tidy Gardens for mowing the cemetery at a rate of £273 per mow (12 cuts a year). This quote was accepted but it was discussed whether we should offer a 3 year contract with a 3 month cancellation period. A vote was taken and it was passed by a majority vote – 5 for 2 against (Councillors Vaughan and Leslie).
We have also received a quote of £537 for cutting all the hedges in the cemetery and this quote was accepted unanimously.
Action: The Clerk to accept the quotes but to offer a 3 year contract.
12.1 Major Projects – The Christmas Tree was discussed. Various options were discussed varying in height and/or cut or to be planted or indeed both. It was decided that Councillor Hughes would investigate prices etc and report back at the next meeting.
Action: Councillor Hughes to bring options and prices to the next meeting
12.2 Combined Activity calendar -this is not being used and will be discontinued.
12.3 Newsletter – It was decided that the newsletter should be a bi-annual publication with the next one being in the autumn. It was also decided that it would be more cost effective to continue outsourcing the printing rather than purchase our own printer.
12.4 Village Clean up and Ropsley Gates – we need to organise a gardening gang to clean the gates and maybe do a village clean up. However, the WI may be holding a clean up and Councillor Rowbotham is to contact the WI to find out.
Action: Councillor Louth to organise this and Councillor Rowbotham to check with WI whether they are doing a village clean up.
12.5 Calendar Competition – this has now been handed over to Councillor Campbell.
12.6 Community update
12.6.1 The defibrillator at the School requires an engineer visit and Councillor Rowbotham is to arrange.
Action: Councillor Rowbotham to arrange a visit by the engineer.
12.6.2 The sand and bags for use in the event of any further flooding that were ordered by Councillor Rowbotham have still not arrived.
Action: Councillor Rowbotham to chase the order of sand and bags
12.7 Purchase of Christmas Tree – see 12.1
12.8 Tree planting and Coronation Orchard Grant
It was decided that we should apply for the Coronation Orchard Grant which consists of a minimum of 5 trees. The Chairman asked that we look for a suitable area to plant the trees and the Councillors are to report back at the next meeting.
There is also a possibility of obtaining trees from The Woodland Trust and the Clerk is to contact them.
Action: The Clerk to apply for the Coronation Orchard Grant and contact The Woodland Trust.
Action: The Councillors to identify an area of land for planting.
12.9 Community Forum for Home Insulation, Heating Grants etc
Councillor Vaughan reported that the costs are still high if your property is not adequately insulated but that grants are still available. Therefore, it my still be useful to run a Community Forum with experts answering questions etc.
The Chairman reiterated that we must not, under any circumstances, give any advice as a Council.
Action: Councillor Vaughan to tentatively go ahead and formulate a plan.
12.10 Neighbourhood Plan – The Chairman asked if everyone could re-familiarise themselves with the Neighbourhood Plan for the next meeting as it has been some years since it was first adopted.
Action: Councillors to discuss the Neighbourhood plan at the April meeting
13.1 Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the November meeting.
14.1 The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 30th April at 7pm at Ropsley Hall.
The meeting was closed by the Chair at 9.12pm.