November 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Ropsley & District Parish Council held at Ropsley Hall on Tuesday 21 November 2023

Public Forum
The public forum was attended by 9 members of the public who wished to discuss the change of use of 9 Paddock Close to a Care Home. Before the discussion commenced, the meeting was informed that correspondence had been received from SKDC PLanning that the application had been turned down as it would present a material change of use.
Councillor Trotter informed the meeting that the developers would need to reapply for the change via a change in Planning Permission if they wanted to go ahead.

In Attendance
Councillor Ward (Chair), Councillor Marshall (Vice-Chair), Councillor Campbell, Councillor Hughes, Councillor Leslie, Councillor Louth, Councillor Vaughan, Councillor Rowbotham, Mr Andrew Jones (Clerk & RFO), District Councillor Trotter.

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.15pm.

1.1    The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  

2.1    There were no apologies as all Councillors were present.

3.1    There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.

4.     APPROVAL OF MINUTES (23/51) 
4.1    Per Item 7.2 Councillor Rowbotham enquired as to what the payment to Community Heartbeat Trust of £56.34 was for – The Clerk will forward details to her.
Per Item 14.2 Councillor Vaughan asked whether the Chair had received satisfactory references for the new Clerk. The Chair said he had and will forward them to Councillor Vaughan.
Councillor Hughes proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11 September 2023 be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Leslie.  
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2023 were approved and duly signed by the Chair.

5.1    District Councillor Trotter reported that she had attended two presentations re Solar Farm Applications. One was on Ermine Street and would affect Welby and Londonthorpe and the other was a smaller one on Welby Lane.
5.2    The travellers’ site at Cold Harbour was being worked on. 
5.3    Councillor Trotter had attended the SK Community Awards where Nathan Coyle was a finalist in the Young Persons Award category and so congratulations to him.
5.4    The Purple-topped recycling bins have started to arrive and if anyone is still awaiting theirs then please     contact Councillor Trotter.

6.    CLERK’S REPORT (23/53)
Councillors noted the contents of the Clerk’s Report with regards to actions from the previous minutes.  

6.1    Item 6.2 Councillor Leslie was still having problems with her .gov email – Councillor Campbell to assist.
Action: Councillor Campbell to assist Councillor Leslie with accessing her email address.

6.2    Item 6.3 It was agreed that the Personel Committee would consist of Councillor Ward, Councillor Vaughan and Councillor Leslie and would meet when required to hear Grievances and Disciplinary Matters.
Appraisals would still be carried out by the Chair and Vice-Chair.

7.     FINANCE (23/54)
7.1     Members noted income received as follows:
Remitter    Purpose    Amount £
Cemetery fees    EROB and Interment    280.00

7.2     Members considered the listed items of expenditure for approval.  Councillor Louth proposed that the expenditure be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.
    Resolved: To approve expenditure as follows:
Payee    Purpose    Amount £
Lee Maples    Cemetery trees    80.00
Autela     Payroll services    64.02
Employment Costs    October2023    801.28
Tidy Gardens    Cemetery grounds maintenance    546.00

7.3    The Chair proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.  
Resolved:  To approve the October bank reconciliation, which was duly signed by Councillor Ward.
7.4    Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2023/24 budget to date. 
7.5    The Precept request for 2024/25 needs to be submitted in January 2024. 
Action: The Clerk to prepare Precept calculations with The Chair and present them at the next meeting.

8.    VOLUNTEERS (23/55)
8.1    Equipment storage – the owing equipment needs a permanent storage area such as a garage or container. Councillor Trotter will contact SKDC to see if there are any garages spare in the village. There is also an area of land behind the garages on Muntons Fields and this may be an area where a container could be placed if the council agree.
8.2    Councillor Louth will collate an inventory of our equipment and report back at the next meeting  on any     service or purchase requirements.
8.3    Councillor Rowbotham to ascertain whether we still require the ride-on mower kept at Humby.
Action: To include these matters on the next Agenda and discuss further

9.     PLANNING (23/56)
9.1    Members noted the following planning applications on which no comments were made:
9.1.1    S23/1888 Remove large ash tree 2 Somerby Road, Ropsley NG33 4AY

9.2    Members noted the following planning decisions:
9.2.1    S23/1656 Remove 5 trees and reduce one other, 14 Chapel Hill, Ropsley Approved 7th November 2023
9.2.2    S23/1424 Approval of brick samples and sustainable building details Stone Cottage, 45 Grantham Road,     Ropsley Approved 7th September 2023
9.2.3    S23/1343/44 and 46 Submission of details reserved by Condition 6 (Archaeology) of planning permission     S20/2222, Condition 5 (Archaeology) of planning permissions S20/2179 and S20/2221. Location: Manor     Farm, Great Humby, NG33 4HW Approved 30th August 2023
9.2.4    S23/1740 Proposed change of use from Residential Dwelling to care home 9 Paddock Close, Ropsley         Unlawful Development 20th November 2023

10.     HIGHWAYS (23/56)
10.1    Speed survey on Humby Road – the document received was discussed and it was decided that the Clerk should write back to the LRSP to highlight the fact that there was a significant number of vehicles going over the speed limit, and that their opinion that the road was safe should not be based purely on the number of accidents that have occurred.
Action: The Clerk to write to LRSP and express our views
10.2    Councillor Leslie noted that the grassed area outside Braceby Church as in need of some markers or bollards to highlight the area better for motorists. The Clerk to contact LCC Highways.
10.3    Councillor Rowbotham asked if the Clerk could contact LCC Highways re the bridge over the East Glen at the bottom of Humby Road which has been damaged by the recent floods.
Action: The Clerk to write to LCC Highways re the above two points


11.    CEMETERY (23/57)
11.1    Update on Work Needed – Councillor Louth is looking into the purchase of a new mower and the cost of repairs of the rotovator.
Action: Councillor Louth to obtain a quote for repair of the rotavator, and cost of new mower.
11.2    Wildflower Seeds – this will be completed in the Spring with the ground being prepared in January. The     area is to be marked with a sign informing people of our intentions.
Action: Wildflower area to be marked

12.    COMMUNITY UPDATES (23/58)
12.1    Major Projects - these will be covered in the January Meeting and the Clerk will add it to the Agenda
Action: The Clerk to add this item to the next agenda.
12.2    Combined Activity calendar - this is all up to date although we are awaiting info from PTFA
12.3    Calendar Competition – this was a major success resulting in a profit after costs of £450. 
Councillor Campbell has agreed to take over the running of next year’s calendar.
12.4    Autumn newsletter – we will discuss content at the next meeting.
Action: The Clerk to add this item to the next agenda.
12.5    Grit boxes – these require refilling and the Clerk will contact LCC Highways
Action: The Clerk to write to LCC Highways
12.6    Payment of £100 to R Charles was agreed for the flowers in the tubs on the village outskirts.
Resolved: The Clerk to pay £100 to R Charles
12.7    Councillor Vaughan requested that the lack of footpath around the bend on the road from Ropsley to         Humby    be entered as an Agenda item for the next meeting. 
Action: The Clerk to add this item to the next agenda.

13    CORRESPONDENCE (23/59)
13.1     Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the September meeting.  

14    DATE OF NEXT MEETING (23/60)
14.1     The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 16 January at 7pm at Ropsley Hall. 

    The meeting was closed by the Chair at 8.43pm.