Minutes September 2021

Minutes of the Ropsley & District Parish Council Meeting held at Ropsley Hall on Thursday 13 September 2021.
Public Session 
There were four members of the public in attendance.
The first member of the public asked for feedback on items from the last meeting regarding waste disposal and lorry traffic from Whites Recycling, and drainage in Ropsley.  The Clerk reported that she had been in contact with South Kesteven District Council and White’s regarding night time lorry activity, and that White’s had indicated that the activity would soon be coming to an end, and SKDC had responded that they could not take action regarding vehicles lawfully using the public highway.  She had also contacted the Environment Agency to query their position with regards to waste disposal on farming land and was awaiting a response. The member of the public informed Councillors that the night-time lorry traffic had recommenced.  Councillor Gosbee reported that he understood that White’s lorries were now running 24 hours, which meant they would go to the nearest station to empty once their lorry became full at any time of the day or night.
Regarding drainage, the Clerk explained that she had contacted Anglian Water who had indicated that drainage works were programmed in Ropsley for 2022.  The Chairman asked that the Clerk follow up with Anglian Water to request a meeting prior to the works so that areas of concern could be brought to their attention.
Action: The Clerk to contact Anglian Water with regard to a meeting.
Councillor Marshall reported that she had received a message from a parishioner regarding a Lincolnshire County Council tree which at the side of her property on Munton Fields which needed to be crowned.
Action: The Clerk to make LCC aware and Councillor Marshall to ask the parishioner to write to LCC.
A member of the public was in attendance to hear the outcome of his request for a tree to be planted in the cemetery.  The Chairman advised that this would be discussed under item 10 of the agenda.  Two members of the public were in attendance to ask for an update on the motocross event that had taken place in August.  The Chairman reported that the Council had corresponded with the motocross club, LCC, SKDC and the police and that following correspondence with the Countryside Access team at LCC the route of the event had been amended so as to not cross the public footpath.  The results of the noise monitoring had not yet been received.
Action: The Clerk to follow up on the noise monitoring with Councillor Trotter.
The Chairman thanked those in attendance for their comments, and four members of the public left the meeting
 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.31pm
The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance, the Vice-Chair Councillor Marshall, Councillors Gosbee, Leslie, Porter, Rowbotham and Sentance.   
The Chairman gave apologies on behalf of Councillor Reeves and District Councillor Trotter the reasons for which were accepted.  
No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were made.
4.1 The Chairman proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 15 July 2021 be approved as a true record.
Resolved: The minutes of the meetings held on 15 July 2021 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.
There were no reports as neither District Councillor Trotter nor County Councillor Hill were in attendance.
6. CLERK’S REPORT (21/38)
6.1 Members noted the contents of the Clerk’s report, providing updates on actions taken since the last meeting.
6.2 LALC AGM and conference 
The Chairman proposed that the Clerk’s attendance at the LALC AGM and conference on 6 October at a cost of £27.50 be approved.  Councillor Porter asked whether there would be a staffing cost for the Clerk’s attendance.  The Clerk responded that she would include the hours on her timesheet, but that there would not be an additional cost if this could be absorbed within her normal working hours.
Resolved: To approve the Clerk’s attendance at the LALC AGM and conference.
6.3 HSBC Account Charges 
Members noted correspondence from HSBC indicating that they would be charging a monthly fee for community accounts from 1 November 2021.  The Clerk informed Members that she would proceed with opening the Lloyds Treasurer’s Account as previously approved before the charges were introduced.
Action: The Clerk to switch the Council’s banking to Lloyds.
6.4 Parish Newsletter
The Chairman reported that he had commenced work on the newsletter and would liaise with Councillor Marshall in the next couple of weeks to finalise it.
Action: The Chairman and Councillor Marshall to liaise on production of the newsletter.
7. FINANCE (21/39)
7.1 Members noted that no income had been received.
7.2 The Chairman proposed that the items of expenditure listed below be approved.
Resolved:  To approve the proposed items of expenditure.
Payee Purpose Amount £
Glasdon Village gates 5,833.19
Councillor’s Expenses Councillor Marshall frames (gardening competition) 10.00
Councillor’s Expenses Councillor Gosbee fuel costs 80.04
K Handley Painting phone box 495.00
C McGarrigle Fuel costs 120.14
Employment Costs July 2021 485.45
C Keeble Neighbourhood Plan consultancy 150.00
JC Groundworks Village gates installation 1,100.00
P Collishaw Mowers Mower blade and oil and mower 405.24
Green Man Ropsley Gardening competition prizes 80.00
Autela Payroll services 53.56
Ropsley Baboons S137 grant 500.00
PrintHub Neighbourhood Plan printing 346.68
Employment Costs August 2021 512.45
WAVE Cemetery water 43.45
PKF Littlejohn External audit fees 240.00
Employment Costs September 2021 485.45
7.3 The Chairman proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.  Councillor Leslie signed the bank statement and reconciliation.
Resolved:  To approve the August bank reconciliation.
7.4 Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2021/22 budget to date previously circulated by the Clerk.  
7.5 External Audit Report
The Clerk reported that the External Audit Report had been received from PKF Littlejohn and that no queries or issues had been raised.  She had posted the report and notification of conclusion of audit on the Council’s website and noted that an external audit would not be required this financial year as the Council would not exceed the £25k threshold.
8. PLANNING (21/40)
8.1 Members noted the following planning decisions:
8.2 S21/1138 Non-material Amendment for change of materials for previous planning application S21/0336
19 Grantham Road Ropsley Amendments Approved 6 July 2021
8.3 S21/1012 Lawful Development Certification for the proposed erection of single storey rear garden room 1 Church Lane Ropsley Granted 8 July 2021
8.4 S21/0201 Residential development - consisting of 5 dwellings and associated works (Outline - all matters reserved except access) 25 & 27 High Street Ropsley Refused 16 July 2021
8.5 S20/1724 Proposed chalet bungalow & associated site works, 23-25 The Ropsley Fox Grantham Road
Ropsley Granted 22 July 2021
8.6 S21/1548 To cut back rowan to cut back as necessary to avoid overhanging the highway and reshape pear, 
The Red House 15 High Street Ropsley Work Allowed 31 August 2021
8.7 SKDC Village Services and Facilities Survey 
The Clerk asked Members for assistance with completing sections of the survey which required detailed local knowledge.   Councillor Marshall offered to help with completion of the survey.  Members enquired what the purpose of the survey was, which the Clerk explained was to gather information on local facilities and gaps in provision to inform future service planning at District Council level.
Action: Councillor Marshall to complete the survey as far as possible and to return to the Clerk before 30 September.
9.1 The Chairman reported that copies of the plan as adopted had been printed and handed a copy to Councillors.  He asked that Councillors make their copies available for parishioners to borrow if required.
10. HIGHWAYS (21/42)
10.1 Parking Issues in Ropsley
Members discussed the suggestion, raised in correspondence between District Councillor Trotter and the police, that the Council apply for double yellow lines to address parking issues.   They agreed that implementing double yellow lines would displace the issue further into the village and would have a negative impact on residents who would be unable to park near their homes.
Action: The Clerk to contact Councillor Trotter for an update and to add to the next agenda.
10.2 Drainage Matters
This was discussed during the public session.
11. CEMETERY (21/43)
11.1 Cemetery Rules and Volunteer Risk Assessments
Members discussed the sample risk assessments circulated by the Clerk.  Councillor Gosbee noted that there was an existing Ropsley cemetery risk assessment, which he agreed to forward to the Clerk.  Members discussed whether a first aid box should be provided at the cemetery, but considered that the likelihood of the contents being stolen or vandalised outweighed the benefit, and that both Councillor Gosbee and the Church had first aid boxes available.  Members asked the Clerk to check whether having a first aid box was required by the insurance.  Councillor Marshall proposed displaying a poster at the cemetery with emergency contact details and location information in case of emergency.
Action: Councillor Gosbee to provide a copy of the risk assessment to the Clerk.  The Clerk to contact the insurers regarding requirements for a first aid kit.  Councillor Marshall to produce a poster with location and emergency contact information for the cemetery.
Members discussed whether there was a need for more prescriptive rules regarding memorial design and agreed that this item be deferred to the next meeting when Councillor Reeves was present.  Members discussed a request for the planting of an apple tree in the cemetery.  There were some reservations about maintenance, fallen fruit, roots and interference with mowing patterns and the Chairman asked that the Clerk write to the applicant to request that he meet with Councillor Gosbee to discuss the matter further.  The Clerk suggested that it might be helpful to consider a policy on the planting of trees at the next meeting.
Action: The Clerk to add consideration of the memorial policy to the next agenda and to arrange a meeting between the applicant and Councillor Gosbee.
12.1 Village Sign
The Chairman reported that work on the sign was ongoing.  Members discussed the possibility of unveiling the sign to coincide with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.
12.2 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022
Members considered the purchase of a beacon but decided against this on the grounds of cost and lack of a suitable location.  Members discussed the Green Canopy and planting of trees, and the Chairman noted that the Council had applied for trees under the Treescape Fund which could tie into this.  Members noted that there had been grants available for the Golden Jubilee and enquired whether these were being repeated for next year’s event, and asked the Clerk to contact the Women’s Institute to explore the possibility of working together on any celebrations.
Action: The Clerk to contact the WI to ask whether they would like to collaborate with the Parish Council on Jubilee celebrations and to add to the next agenda.
12.3 Motocross Activity 
This was discussed at the public forum.
12.4 Waste Disposal
This was discussed in the public forum.
12.5 Photo Calendar Competition
Councillor Marshall reported that the competition had been a great success with over 200 photos entered.  She would begin to shortlist the images received and then she and the Chairman would select the final 13 with Councillors choosing the cover photo as last year.  Members discussed possible uses for the proceeds raised, including the Jubilee celebrations.
 Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda.
12.6 Treescape Fund Application
This was updated at item 12.2.
12.7 Purchase of a Strimmer
Councillor Gosbee proposed that the Council approve purchase of a strimmer at a cost of £350 including VAT.
Resolved: To approve the purchase of a strimmer.
12.8 Tree survey and Tree Maintenance Works
Councillor Gosbee reported that there were a number of trees in Ropsley with overgrown branches, including around the garage and on Paddock Close which were obstructing the footpath and making grass cutting difficult.  He was also concerned that branches would be at risk of falling in high winds.  Councillors also noted trees in Humby and Braceby which required attention.
Action: The Clerk to contact Councillor Trotter to arrange a walkabout to survey the works required.
12.9 Planters in Ropsley
Councillor Sentance reported that the planters were rotting and would need to be replaced in the next year or so.  Councillor Marshall added that she had investigated the cost of composite planters, which would have a longer lifespan, and that these would be in the range of £150 each or £600 in total.  Members asked that the approval of this expenditure be added to the next agenda for consideration.
Action: The Clerk to add approval of the purchase of composite planters at a cost of £600 to the next agenda.
12.10 Allotments Update
Councillor Marshall reported that the parishioner who originally requested that the Parish consider allotment provision had written to Dr Moseley at SKDC but had not yet received a reply.  
Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda.
12.11 Community Updates
Councillor Rowbotham noted that consumables would be required for the Sapperton defibrillator in November at a cost of £150.  Consumables for the remaining defibrillators would be required the following year, and Members discussed making budget provision for the replacement of defibrillators at the end of their 10-year lifespan.  Councillor Leslie asked that the Clerk follow up on the adoption of the Braceby telephone box, and the Braceby Church Yard mowing fund. 
Action: The Clerk to add approval for purchase of defibrillator consumables to the next agenda, to add provision for replacement of defibrillators to the budget and to follow up on the adoption of Braceby phone box and mowing fund.  Councillor Rowbotham to obtain a quote for moving the Braceby defibrillator to the phone box.
13.1 Members noted general correspondence circulated for information since the July meeting. 
14. STAFFING (21/46)
14.1 The Chairman proposed that the meeting move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies Act of 1960 due to the confidential nature of matters to be discussed.
Resolved: To move the meeting into closed session at 8.25pm.
14.2 Home Working Allowance
The Chairman proposed that the Clerk’s request for payment of a working from home allowance of £6 per week to cover a contribution to heat, light, broadband, phone and power as well as sundry expenses such as paper and printing be approved.
Resolved: To approve the Clerk’s request for payment of a home working allowance.
Action: The Clerk to inform the payroll provider.
15.1 Monday 8 November at 7pm at Ropsley Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm