Minutes September 2024
Minutes of the Meeting of Ropsley & District Parish Council held at Ropsley Hall on Monday 9th September 2024.
Public Forum
There were no members of the public in attendance. Members resolved to suspend the Standing Orders to allow the meeting to commence at 7.15pm.
In Attendance
Councillor Ward (Chair), Councillor Marshall (Vice-Chair), Councillor Hughes, Councillor Vaughan, Councillor Leslie, Councillor Louth, Mr Andrew Jones (Clerk & RFO), Councillor Trotter (SKDC), Councillor Martin Hill (LCC)
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.15pm
The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.
Apologies were received from Councillor Campbell: the reasons for which was accepted.
No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were made.
Councillor Marshall proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15th July be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2024 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.
Councillor Trotter was unable to attend the meeting but forwarded her report as follows:
August has been a fairly quiet month on the council front, with the Summer break. A delay in the Wide Westgate building works due to delay in building materials, adding to the chaos of Dysart Road project and other roadworks, SKDC are hoping to host a Lincolnshire Day event together with other functions on the new format of wide Westgate.
SKDC community awards closing date is 20 September, with classes:- Inspirational young person, community contribution to business, Judy Smith Lifetime Community Champion, Neil Smith beyond the call of duty and Community in Bloom.
Just an heads up on the local plan review going on at present at SKDC planning department. The new government have set a target of building 1.5 million dwellings during this parliament or the next five years. To facilitate this they are currently consulting local planning authorities (SKDC) on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Part of this consultation has required most but not all councils to be allocated new build targets and SKDCs target has risen from 690 units to 912 per annum which is about 20% increase. The downside of this is that the local plan review consultation on the new allocations would not for fill this new target. So should these new targets and NPPF changes be enacted by the government this will require SKDC to consult on further allocations to make up the 20% shortfall. The original call for sites which the proposed allocations came from did bring forward enough land to make up the difference but these extra sites would have to go out to consultation.
Although this is only consultation at the minute the 1.5 million homes in five years was a government manifesto pledge so unfortunately the extra land to reach the 912 homes built per year will almost certainly will happen. This would also require the local plan review timetable to be extended which its anticipated the government would make allowances for.
Finally there are 12,500 residents living in the county with Dementia and Lincs Police are offering a free wristband for people with dementia which is worn like a watch and has next of kin contact name & safety details, to read the band hold your mobile phone against the flower picture and on your screen will pop up the details, I will hopefully get hold of one to demonstrate and how the mobile is activated to read the details. Apologies I have only recently been given this information.
Councillor Hill reported that following:
The housing targets have been changed with the dwellings target increased.
The roadworks in Grantham are causing challenging problems and the Grantham Bypass will hopefully open in 2025.
The LCC is concerned about the new government Green Policies and their impact of the electricity pylons and solar farms and especially the use of high-grade agricultural land.
The economic implications of the new government will become clearer once the Autumn Statement has occurred.
The grass triangle at the end of Braceby Road is on the Highways list to be removed.
Councillor Hill will look into the progress of our request for an advisory 20mph speed limit around the School.
LCC to continue to press for improvements to the junctions on the A1 following the latest spate of accidents.
The parking and number of cars around the war memorial was discussed especially the proximity of vehicles near junctions. Councillor Louth has visited the garage and discussed the situation.
It was decided to invite Mr Webster to the next meeting.
Resolved: To invite Mr Webster to the next meeting.
- CLERK’S REPORT (24/50)
Councillors noted the contents of the Clerk’s Report with regards to actions from previous minutes.
- FINANCE (24/51)
7.1 Members noted income received as follows:
Remitter |
Purpose |
Amount £ |
Robert Holland
Cemetery fees
70.00 |
7.2 Councillor Marshall proposed that the following payments be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Ward.
Payee |
Purpose |
Amount £ |
Autela |
Payroll costs |
75.05 |
The Green Man |
Retirement gift |
120.00 |
LALC Employment Costs Tidy Gardens Ropsley Village Hall TMRS Employment Costs Hedgehogs R Us Tidy Gardens Wave |
Internal Audit July 2024 Cemetery cutting - August Room Hire Mower repairs August 2024 Hedgehog Highways Cemetery cutting – July Cemetery Water |
156.00 592.55 546.00 23.65 112.10 592.35 157.50 546.00 207.99 |
Resolved: To approve the payments as listed.
7.3 Councillor Hughes proposed that the August bank reconciliation be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Ward.
Resolved: To approve the August bank reconciliation.
- Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2024/25 budget to date.
- The 2023/24 Internal Audit Report had not yet been received from the Auditor and so it would be revisited at the next meeting.
- The Grants Policy was discussed, and it was felt that we should ensure that we send correspondence to local organisations in December so that they could apply before the year end.
Clerk to correspond with local organisations in December re possible grant applications.
- PLANNING (24/52)
- To consider the following planning applications received since the last meeting:
8.1.2 S24/1199 Tree works – 26 Chapel Hill, Ropsley NG33 4BP
8.1.3 S24/1117 Tree works to clear boundary path, St Peter’s Church Ropsley NG33 4DA
- S24/1266 Proposed single storey extension – 13 Grantham Road, Ropsley NG33 4BX
8.2.1 To note the following planning decisions:
8.2.2 S24/0413 Conversion and extension of barns to form two dwellings – Chestnuts Farm, Sapperton NG34 0TB approved 23rd July 2024
- HIGHWAYS (24/53)
9.1 20 mph speed zone near School - a reply has been received from LRSP stating that they are not currently installing new advisory 20mph zones in the county. They also stated that they used to install them as part of a school safety zone however they stopped as they are non-enforceable.
The Clerk is to contact LRSP to discuss the matter further.
9.2 With regards the updates from LCC
The white bridge on Humby Road – work has been carried out
Grass triangle on Braceby Road – LCC investigating
Action: The Clerk to await further information from LCC.
- CEMETERY (24/54)
10.1 The Clerk is to contact Crimson Kings to look at the two remaining trees in the cemetery to assess whether the work on them will wait until the autumn mainly for Safety purposes.
Action: The Clerk to contact Crimson Kings re the cemetery trees.
10.2 The hedge at the cemetery requires cutting and tidying up.
Resolved: Clerk to contact Tidy Gardens to request that the cemetery hedge is cut.
10.3 Councillor Louth stated that the wildflower seeds have been purchased for sowing in the Spring.
11.1 The Christmas Tree project was discussed and Councillor Hughes is to announce this on the Council’s Facebook page. A date is to be decided and the involvement of the School etc would be encouraged.
Action: Councillor Hughes to investigate further
11.2 Bulb Planting and Litter Picking – Councillor Louth to contact the Gardening Group and if there is support, then the bulbs will be ordered.
Action: Councillor Louth to look at purchasing bulbs.
11.3 Storage container – The Clerk now written to the new contact at SKDC and is yet to receive a reply.
Action: The Clerk to chase SKDC re the siting of the storage container.
- The Chairman met with the LCC on the 22nd July to discuss the orchard siting etc and the Clerk has now written to SKDC with our requirements. A reply should be received in October.
Action: The Clerk to report back at the next meeting.
- Hedgehog Scheme – following the response, the Hedgehog gateways have been ordered and should be received in the Autumn.
Action: Awaiting receipt of Hedgehog Gateways.
- New Bench – It was agreed to replace the bench opposite the garage and this would be carried forward to the next meeting.
Action: To discuss design and purchase of new bench
- SK Community Awards – The Clerk is to contact SKDC to propose Margaret Rowbotham for the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Action: Clerk to send our proposal to SKDC
- October Newsletter – Councillor Marshall stated that any articles or information to be included in the Newsletter must be received by the 11th October.
Action: Articles for Newsletter to be forwarded to Councillor Marshall
- The 5 Defibrillators require someone to look after these following the retirement of Margaret and this will be carried over to the next meeting.
Action: Someone to oversee the Defibrillators.
- Calendars – a post is to be put on Facebook requesting photographs for next year’s calendar.
Action: Councillor Campbell to co-ordinate
Advertisements are to be placed for the vacant Parish Councillor position
Action: Adverts to be placed
13.1 Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the July meeting.
14.1 The date for the next meeting was set for Monday 11th November 2024 at 7pm at Ropsley Hall.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.09pm.