Minutes July 2020

Minutes of the Ropsley & District Parish Council Meeting held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Monday, 13 July 2020


No members of the public were in attendance.  The meeting commenced at 7.30pm.


The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance, the Vice-Chair Councillor Marshall, Councillors Gosbee, Porter and Sentance and the Clerk Mrs Gascoigne.  Councillor Reeves joined the meeting at 8.12pm, having informed the Chairman and Clerk that he would arrive late due to a prior engagement.


The Chairman had received apologies from District Councillor Trotter.  Councillor Rowbotham was unable to access the meeting due to technological difficulties.  Councillor Leslie and County Councillor Hill were not in attendance.


No declarations of interest or requests for dispensations were received.


4.1  The Chairman proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the meetings held on 15 June 2020 and 6 July 2020 be approved as a true record.

Resolved: The Clerk’s notes of the meetings held on 15 June and 6 July 2020 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.


5.1  The Chairman read an update provided by District Councillor Trotter relating to the overgrown tree on Hall Close.  Councillor Sentance informed the meeting that he had spoken to District Councillor Trotter in relation to this tree and others at the village pond, and that the District Council was hoping to carry out works in the Autumn.  A number of other matters raised by Councillor Trotter including public footpath PF18, the naming of Chain Lane, and the planning application at 38 High Street were covered by specific agenda items to follow.

6.  CLERK’S REPORT (20/29)

Members noted the contents of the Clerk’s Report, providing updates on actions from the previous meeting.

7.  FINANCE (20/30)

7.1  Members noted the income received.

7.2  The Chairman proposed that the items of expenditure listed be approved.

Resolved:  To approve the proposed items of expenditure.

7.3  The Chairman proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.  Resolved:  To approve the June bank reconciliation.

7.4  Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2020/21 budget to date previously circulated by the Clerk.

7.5  The Clerk outlined the ongoing issues she had experienced with amending the mandate and setting up internet and telephone banking with HSBC.  The Clerk asked that Members consider moving the Council’s banking to another provider, in line with the report she had circulated outlining a number of alternatives.  After discussion of fees and service levels of the bank accounts in the report, the Council considered Lloyds’ bank the most appropriate to the Council’s needs.

Resolved:  To transfer the Council’s banking to Lloyds’ Bank.

Action: The Clerk to prepare the necessary account switching paperwork for consideration at the September meeting.

7.6  Members considered potential allocations of the Council’s reserves.  It was noted that the £10k balance in the Melton Mowbray Building Society account was held for future investment in cemetery land. Members discussed a number of other uses for the funds, including the village sign, a provision for mowing should this become chargeable in the future, and audio-visual equipment for the Village Hall if required.  Members also noted that they had not yet received S137 applications from village groups who usually received grants.  Members discussed publicising the grants scheme more widely in case there were other community groups who may wish to apply.Resolved:  To defer further discussion of allocation of reserves to the September meeting, with Members to provide suggestions for use.

Action: The Clerk to add to the September agenda for consideration.  The Clerk to provide a paragraph to Councillor Marshall regarding eligibility for S137 grants for publication on the Council’s Facebook Page. 

8.  PLANNING (20/31)

8.1  The Clerk reported that there had been one planning application and one decision received since the issue of the agenda.  Application S20/1090 was noted regarding the discharge of planning conditions relating to levels, trees and materials at the Ropsley Fox site.  The decision to grant planning permission to S20/0659 38 High Street was noted, along with correspondence with District Councillor Trotter and a parishioner.

Resolved: To note the decision to grant application S20/0659 and to monitor adherence to planning conditions. 

Action: The Clerk to write to the Parishioner to express the Council’s support re application S20/0659.  The Clerk to write to the Planner re application S20/1090 to confirm that discharge indicates that prior conditions have been met.

Councillor Reeves joined the meeting at 8.12pm.


9.1  The Chairman informed the meeting that there were no further developments to report and that the Plan remained with SKDC who had put the documentation out to consultation, with the decision due in the next couple of weeks.

10.  HIGHWAYS (20/33)

10.1  Members noted correspondence from SKDC regarding a parishioner’s request to have a street name plate installed on Chain Lane.  Members noted that consent had been received from the owners of the other property affected.

Resolved: To support the application for a street name plate for Chain Lane.

Action: The Clerk to contact SKDC to confirm the Council’s decision.

10.2  Members noted that the fencing was still in place restricting access to the footpath although there were no longer sheep grazing.  Councillor Marshall also reported that there were issues with potholes on Somerby Road, where some had been filled by Highways but not others which were equally dangerous.

Action: The Clerk to contact Andrew Savage regarding the footpath.  The Clerk to report the potholes to LCC Highways - Councillor Marshall to provide details re location.

11.  CEMETERY (20/34)

11.1  Members considered a request to approve a memorial in the Burial Ground received from GH Linnell Memorial Masons, provisionally approved via email between meetings.

Resolved: To approve the application.

11.2  Members considered the Burial Ground fees, which they noted had not been reviewed for five years and after discussion agreed to increase them by 2.5% compound inflation over this period.  For an interment and Exclusive Right of Burial, this would result in an increase from £120 to £135.  Members also discussed a provision of £1,000 for significant items of periodic expenditure on the Burial Ground such as replacement mowers or tree works.  The Clerk advised that this could be achieved by adding a budget line for £200 which would accrue in reserves over a 5-year period.

Resolved: To increase Burial Ground Charges by inflation (2.5% compound over 5 years).  To provide £200 a year for five years to create a £1,000 reserve for periodic Burial Ground expenditure.

Action:  The Clerk to amend and publish the revised Burial Charges.  The Clerk to add a line to the budget for the Burial Ground reserve.


12.1  Councillor Marshall proposed that the Council consider further community engagement activity following the success of the Best Kept Garden competition.  She proposed that a village calendar competition be run, with residents submitting photographs with the best twelve to be included in the calendar.  The calendar could be sold in the village with the proceeds donated to charity. 

Resolved:  To approve the production of a village calendar, with winning photographs chosen through a competition to be run in August and September for the calendar to be printed in October. 

Action:  Councillor Marshall to draw up terms and conditions and to promote the competition.

12.2  Councillor Buckley asked that the item be deferred to the September meeting, as he was awaiting dimensions for the sign from Harry Whinney, prior to obtaining quotes for both a complete sign and a replacement sign board on the existing post.  Councillor Gosbee reported that the existing post was solid, and the wrought iron had been recently refurbished.  He reported that the hooks needed to be replaced as they squeaked, and members agreed that a fixed sign would be preferable to a swinging one as it would be less noisy and problematic in high winds.

Action:  The Clerk to add to the September agenda.

12.3  Councillor Marshall provided an update on the winners of the Best Garden competition, whose prizes of £20 vouchers for the Green Man had been awarded by John Stirland, the gardening expert at Radio Lincolnshire.  She reported that over 100 entries were received.  Engagement with the Parish Council Facebook page had increased significantly during the competition with followers increasing from 48 to 129.  The Chairman proposed that a token gift be purchased to thank Mr Stirland for judging the competition and that a slide show of the entrants be produced.

Resolved:  To purchase a token gift for Mr Stirland.

Action:  Councillor Marshall to produce a slide show of the photographs submitted.

12.4  Members noted correspondence from SKDC regarding the reinstatement of the Best Kept Village Competition.  Councillor Marshall reported that she had posted the announcement on Facebook.

12.5  The Chairman reported that he had observed an increase in littering in the parish since the end of lockdown, particularly fast food packaging.  Councillor Sentance added that he had collected refuse sacks full of rubbish on his daily walks. The Chairman informed Members that he had received anti-littering posters featuring wildlife produced by Keep Britain Tidy through LALC.  He proposed that the Council purchase ten posters for display on noticeboards and around the parish.

Resolved:  To purchase littering posters for the parish.

Action: The Chairman to arrange printing of the posters.   

12.6  Councillor Reeves provided an update on the School, which had operated successfully within the  guidelines during the pandemic, with all children having the opportunity to go into school for a period of time in addition to the return of the specified year groups.  The Headteacher was pleased with the school’s response and was now planning for a full return in September.

The new Village Hall was on target for completion in mid-September with a soft opening in October followed by an official opening when social distancing allowed.  The trustees wondered whether Councillors would support their application for a lamp post and brown sign at the new entrance.  Members discussed whether there would be any impact on neighbours, but Councillor Reeves reported that the new lamp post would be further away than the existing one. 

Action: Councillor Reeves to bring the applications to Council for approval once completed.

Councillor Sentance reported that he had attended a Royal British Legion meeting at which it was agreed that there would not be a house-to-house collection this year due to the pandemic, but that he could provide a cross or wreath directly to anyone who required one.  The British Legion had lost £47k as a result of the pandemic and would lose £500 - £1,200 usually raised through the door-to-door collections.Councillor Gosbee proposed that the Council consider a contribution of £100 towards the costs of plants for the planters, which were maintained by volunteers who also undertook other valuable tasks in the parish such as making a new noticeboard and painting the telephone box.

Action: The Clerk to add consideration of a donation to the Royal British Legion and a budget for plants for the planters to the September agenda.


13.1  Members noted general correspondence circulated for information since the June meeting.

13.2  Members noted the consultation on the new Model Code of Conduct circulated by LALC.

Action: The Clerk to respond to the consultation on behalf of the Council and to copy Members on her response.

14.  STAFFING (20/37)

14.1  Members considered the Clerk’s request for a contribution to the registration fee for the CiLCA qualification.  The Clerk informed Members that obtaining the qualification would allow the Council to apply for the General Power of Competence, which would allow them greater freedom to use the Precept for the benefit of the community.  The Clerk also informed Members that the other Council for which she was Clerk, Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe had proposed sharing the cost of the Zoom membership in order to reduce the cost to both Councils, with which Council were in agreement.

Resolved:  To approve the Clerk’s request for a contribution to her CiLCA registration.


15.1  Monday 14 September by Zoom unless changes in social distancing guidance permit an in-person meeting.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm