Minutes July 2021

Minutes of the Ropsley & District Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Ropsley Hall on Thursday, 15 July 2021.
Public Session
There were seven members of the public in attendance.  Several parishioners addressed the meeting regarding the issue of noise from the motor cross event held the previous weekend in the parish, which had been continuous for three hours and forced residents in neighbouring properties to remain indoors.  The issues had been ongoing for a number of years, and other events, such as shoots, had also been held on the same land.  One parishioner described the distress caused by the noise to a horse in their yard, to which the vet had to be called, and another reported that the sale of their house had fallen through due to the ongoing issue with motorbike events.  
District Councillor Trotter spoke in her capacity as a local resident to describe the effect the noise had on her elderly mother and horses.  She indicated that she would do everything in her power as a District Councillor to resist further events, and that she and the Parish Council had been in touch with Planning, Environmental Health and Public Rights of Way departments and the local Police to make them aware of the issues and seek guidance.  The Chairman read an email from Mr Savage, Senior Countryside Officer at Lincolnshire County Council (LCC), which stated that event organisers must seek permission for the closing of footpaths from LCC, which they had not done in this instance.   
Action: The Clerk to ask LCC and SKDC to notify the Parish Council if they are made aware of any future events, and to ask whether the Parish Council would have a right to object.  The Clerk to write to the race organisers to make them aware of the strength of feeling locally.  The Clerk to investigate the rules surrounding animal welfare relating to excessive noise.  The Clerk to investigate statutory nuisance. 
Another parishioner raised an issue with Whites Recycling lorries, which he reported had been operating throughout the night, and asked that the Parish Council raise this with the relevant authorities. 
Action: The Clerk to research archives for correspondence with Whites, and to write to Whites asking for details of the quantity and nature of waste being disposed of.  The Clerk to contact the Environment Agency regarding possible impact on water courses. 
All members of the public except one left the meeting.  The remaining member of the public representing Ropsley Baboons Cricket Club addressed the meeting regarding the Club’s request for funding for replacement cricket nets.
 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.38pm
The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance, the Vice-Chair Councillor Marshall, Councillors Gosbee, Porter, Reeves and Rowbotham, District Councillor Trotter and the Clerk Mrs Gascoigne.  
The Chairman gave apologies on behalf of Councillors Sentence and Leslie the reasons for which were accepted.  
No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were made.
4.1 The Chairman proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 6 May 2021 be approved as a true record.
Resolved: The minutes of the meetings held on 6 May 2021 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.
The Chairman moved the meeting to agenda item 7.6 in order that a decision could be made on the Ropsley Baboons application for grant funding.
7.6 Ropsley Baboons Cricket Nets
Members discussed the Baboons request for £500 towards the replacement of cricket nets at Ropsley Hall.  Councillor Reeves asked whether the old nets could be left up over the winter so that local residents could use them outside the cricket season.  The representative of the club agreed that the old nets could be put on the mobile frame to be left in situ when the new nets were taken down at the end of the season.  Councillor Porter asked how many members there were in the Baboons, to which the answer was 17 to 20.  The remaining member of the public left the meeting.
Resolved: To approve the Baboons request for £500 towards the cost of replacement cricket nets.
Action: The Clerk to inform the Baboons of the decision and to make payment.
Councillor Trotter reported that her request for a second hornbeam tree for Ropsley had been declined by SKDC, but that she would fund this from her ward grant, to be planted in the Spring.  Councillor Porter asked whether this would deprive another worthy cause of funding, which Councillor Trotter indicated it would not, as she ensured her grant was distributed fairly throughout her ward.  Councillor Trotter reported that she had spoken with Dr Moseley, the Cabinet Member for the Environment regarding the provision of land for allotments, who had agreed to forward the enquiry to the relevant officers.  Councillors discussed issues around managing allotments, should suitable land be identified.
Action: Councillor Trotter to provide ward grant application forms to Councillor Marshall for completion. 
The Clerk to contact Dr Moseley regarding allotment land.
6. CLERK’S REPORT (21/25)
6.1 Members noted the contents of the Clerk’s report, providing updates on actions taken since the last meeting.
6.2 The Chairman proposed that the risk assessment and updated policies previously circulated by the Clerk be approved.
Resolved: To approve the revised policies as circulated.
Action: The Clerk to post the revised policies on the website.
6.3 The Chairman proposed that £80 for printing a hard copy of the Summer newsletter be approved, to allow access to those households who did not use the internet.  Councillor Reeves asked whether the Church was already producing a newsletter, as he did not wish to see duplication.  The Chairman responded that the Church’s newsletter was now online, and mainly covered Church business.
Resolved: To approve £80 for printing costs for the Summer newsletter.
Action: The Chairman and Councillor Marshall to draft, edit and arrange printing of the newsletter, and Councillors to assist with distribution.
7. FINANCE (21/26)
7.1 Members noted income received as follows.
Remitter Purpose Amount £
HMRC VAT Rebate 250.27
SKDC Community Cleaner Grant 463.32
7.2 The Chairman proposed that the items of expenditure listed below be approved.
Resolved:  To approve the proposed items of expenditure.
Payee Purpose Amount £
Clerk’s Expenses Zoom Apr – May 28.78
LALC Burials Course 54.00
Employment Costs May 2021 485.45
Employment Costs June 2021 485.45
Councillor’s Expenses Councillor Gosbee fuel costs 128.94
C McKenzie Internal Audit 40.00
Came and Co Insurance 927.48
Wave Burial Ground Water 10.76
Ropsley Village Hall Booking and Key Deposits 35.00
Colin McGarrigle Fuel reimbursement 120.14
Autela Payroll Services 53.56
Employment Costs July 2021 485.45
K Hand Telephone Box Painting 495.00
7.3 The Chairman proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.  Resolved:  To approve the June bank reconciliation.
7.4 Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2021/22 budget to date previously circulated by the Clerk.  
7.5 Ropsley Hall Stage
Councillor Reeves declared an interest by virtue of his position on the Ropsley Hall Committee, and therefore did not participate in the discussion or vote.  Councillor Gosbee asked whether the school stage could be used by the Hall, which Councillor Reeves explained it could not as it was in daily use at the school.  Councillor Porter argued that the Hall was the main community facility in the parish and of benefit to the greatest number of residents, and therefore proposed that the grant of £2,000 towards the cost of the stage be approved.
Resolved: To approve a grant of £2,000 towards the cost of a removable stage for Ropsley Hall.
Action: The Clerk to inform the Hall Committee and to make payment.
7.6 Cricket Club Netting 
This was approved following item 4 above.
7.7 Ropsley Colts Defibrillator
The Clerk reported that a defibrillator had been secured by the Colts Football Club through the Football Foundation and would arrive in August.  Councillor Rowbotham asked whether the defibrillator would come under the umbrella of the Community Heartbeat Trust, and Councillor Reeves responded that it would not as it was a different type of device more suited to a sporting context.
8. PLANNING (21/27)
8.1 Members noted the following planning decisions:
S21/0761 Extensions and alterations to dwelling, Fentonleigh, 14 Church Lane, Ropsley, Granted 8 June 2021
8.2 PL/0054/21 To vary condition 25 of planning permission S12/0158/CM to extract using modern blasting techniques, Ropsley Quarry, Long Hollow Lane, Ropsley, Granted 11 June 2021.
8.3 S21/0131 Replacement of rainwater goods, Church Farmhouse, Village Street, Braceby, Granted 17 June 2021 
8.4 S21/0660 To reduce 1no silver birch tree by approx 40%, The Pantiles 9 High Street, Ropsley NG33 4BG Work Allowed 29th June 2021
The Chairman reported that the Clerk had asked SKDC Planning Department about progress on application S21/0201 regarding 25-27 High Street, Ropsley, and had been informed that a decision was imminent.  He noted that the Parish Council had been asked to comment on proposals for a nearby garden village, on which there had been no comments, and a solar farm.  District Councillor Trotter noted that Pickworth Parish Meeting had enquired whether the Parish Council would support them in making representations against the solar farm proposal and noted that the Chair of the Parish Meeting may be in contact.  Councillor Reeves suggested that any requests for support be referred to the Neighbourhood Plan which contained statements of the Parish’s views on sustainability and development.
9.1 The Chairman reported the Neighbourhood Plan had formally been made and congratulated the Steering Group on this achievement.  Unfortunately, once the plan was made, grant funding was no longer available, so he proposed that costs to print fifteen copies of the made plan for members of the Steering Group and Parish Councillors be met by the Parish Council in the amount of £342 ex VAT.  He further proposed that Clive Keble be engaged for two hours to complete final amendments to the plan at a cost of £100.  Councillor Marshall suggested that if all Councillors had a copy of the plan, these could be lent to parishioners on request.
Resolved: To approve £342 for printing costs and £100 for consultancy costs to complete and print the final made version of the Neighbourhood Plan.
10. HIGHWAYS (21/29)
10.1 Drainage Matters
The Clerk reported that she had received an email from Anglian Water indicating that works to the drainage in Ropsley had been scheduled, and she had asked for a date for the meeting between Anglian Water, LCC Highways and the Parish Council.
10.2 Ropsley Hall Verges
The Clerk reported that she had received an email from County Councillor Hill indicating that Highways would be prepared to tarmac over the grass triangle next to the Village Hall.  Councillor Reeves commented that he was not in favour of tarmacking the triangle.  The Chairman reported that he had spoken to Ben Webb of Ropsley Farms, who had stated that tarmacking over the triangle would allow large farm machinery to swing wide to avoid damaging the verges.
Action: The Clerk to write to County Councillor Hill that the Parish Council would prefer that the verge was not tarmacked over but would like the road to be repaired.
10.3 Community Speedwatch 
The Clerk informed Members that the total cost of joining the Community Speedwatch scheme would be £600.  Councillor Marshall proposed that the Council await the outcome of planned speed monitoring using Archer strips and the installation of the village gates to see whether these had any impact on speeding, and then review the need for further intervention thereafter.
Action: The Clerk to arrange installation of Archer Strips for speed monitoring in September and to add to the November agenda for review.
10.4 Risewood Lane between Ropsley and Old Somerby
The Chairman noted that he had contacted the Clerk at Old Somerby Parish Council regarding the condition of the road, who had responded that his Council shared these concerns.  Councillor Marshall reported that some repairs had been undertaken to the road, but the condition was still very poor, and cars could not pass without one of them pulling over.  Members also discussed why Somerby Road had been selected for resurfacing when the condition of Risewood Lane was equally bad or worse.
Action: The Clerk to write to the Clerk of Old Somerby Parish Council with the Council’s observations and to enquire of Highways how the decision to resurface Somerby Road was made.
10.5 Resurfacing Church Lane, Great Humby and Little Humby
The Chairman reported that the 250m of road to the farm at Great Humby had been resurfaced, but that there were other roads in Little Humby that were in far worse condition.  He asked the Clerk to ask Highways about their criteria for prioritising schemes.
Action: The Clerk to write to Highways to ask why Church Lane had been resurfaced in advance of other areas of need in Humby.
10.6 Street Name Signs High Street, Ropsley and School Lane
The Clerk informed Councillors that she had reported these matters to South Kesteven District Council.
10.7 War Memorial Parking and Abandoned Vehicle Munton Fields
The Clerk advised that she had reported both matters to PCSO Bowden, who had asked colleagues to monitor the parking situation and would write to the registered keeper of the vehicle.
11.1 Village Gates
Councillor Marshall reported that the gates had been delivered and would be fitted next week.
11.2 Village Sign
The Chairman reported that the production of the sign was awaiting the wood being transported to the sawmill.
11.3 Best Kept Garden Competition
Councillor Marshall reported that the competition had closed and presentations to the winners of the four categories would commence tomorrow.  The Chairman thanked Councillor Marshall for her efforts in organising the competition.  Members discussed ideas for future community events, including reviving the Ropsley Pram Race and a display of historical photographs of the parish. 
11.4 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022
Members discussed participation in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee commencing on Thursday 2 June 2022.  National schemes included lighting a beacon, and planting trees.  The Chairman proposed that the Council study the document provided by the Pageant Master and co-ordinate efforts with other local organisations such as the Church and Women’s Institute.  
Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda for further consideration.
11.5 Ropsley Hall Insurance
The Chairman reported that Chris Cordon had confirmed that the Hall’s insurance would cover hirers.
11.6 Village Calendar 2022
Councillor Marshall asked whether she could gauge local interest in running another calendar competition for 2022 via a Facebook survey, with which Councillors were in agreement.
Action: Councillor Marshall to conduct a survey and the Clerk to add to the next agenda.
11.7 Scrambler Bike Activity 
This was addressed during the Public Forum.
11.8 Community Updates 
Councillor Gosbee raised an issue with items placed on graves in contravention of the cemetery rules.  Councillors agreed to keep the matter under review but not to take further action at this time.  He also asked whether he could purchase a strimmer at a cost of £350 including VAT and advised that another volunteer had been found who would be prepared to operate it.  Councillors provisionally agreed to the request, subject to formal ratification at the next meeting.  Councillor Reeves asked that both the cemetery rules and risk assessments for volunteers be reviewed at the next meeting.
Action: The Clerk to add approval for the purchase of a strimmer and reviews of the cemetery rules and volunteer risk assessments to the next agenda. 
12.1 Members noted general correspondence circulated for information since the May meeting. 
12.2 Members noted correspondence from SKDC regarding the Best Kept Village Competition.
13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING (21/32)  
13.1 Monday 13 September at 7pm at Ropsley Hall.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.