Minutes Extraordinary Meeting June 2020
Minutes of the Ropsley & District Parish Council Meeting held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Monday, 8 June 2020
There was no Public Forum preceding the meeting, as the meeting was held in closed session.
1. Welcome Remarks by the Chairman (19/77)
The Parish Council meeting commenced at 7.40pm. The Chairman, Councillor Buckley welcomed attendees to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. Those in attendance were Councillors Marshall, Rowbotham, Gosbee, Porter, Leslie, Reeves, District Councillor Trotter and the Clerk, Mrs N Gascoigne.
2. Apologies (19/78)
Apologies were received from Councillor Sentance. The reason for his absence was noted and accepted.
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and Requests for Dispensation (19/79)
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation.
4. Staffing Matters (19/80)
4.1 The Chairman proposed that the meeting move into closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, due to the confidential nature of matters to be discussed, which proposal was passed by resolution of the Council.
4.2 The Chairman provided Members with an update on staffing matters.
5. HSBC Bank Mandate (19/81)
5.1 The Chairman proposed that the HSBC account mandate be amended to add the new Clerk, Mrs Gascoigne in order that she could be made primary user and gain access to internet and telephone banking. The proposal was passed by resolution of the Council.
Action: The Clerk to forward a completed mandate amendment form urgently to HSBC for action.
6. Zoom Video Conferencing (19/82)
6.1 The Chairman proposed that the Council purchase a subscription to Zoom at a cost of £12 per month for the duration of the current social distancing measures until in-person meetings were able to resume. Councillor Porter reported that he understood that the time-limit on Zoom meetings had been removed at present. The Chairman asked the Clerk to confirm that this was the case, and Members resolved to use the free access if available and to subscribe at a cost of £12 per month if free access ceased to be available.
7. Date of the Next Meeting (19/83)
7.1 The date of the next meeting to be Monday 15 June 2020 at 7.30pm remotely via Zoom Video Conference.