Minutes March 2021

Draft Minutes of the Ropsley & District Parish Council Meeting held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Monday, 8 March 2021.
Public Session
There were two members of the public in attendance.  
One member of the public addressed Councillors regarding her request for a memorial bench in the cemetery which had previously been declined by the Council.  She explained that she and her family were very upset that their request had been denied and felt other concerns they had expressed relating to the cemetery had not been handled in the way they would have wished.  She asked that her family be allowed to grieve in their own way, and that the request for a memorial bench be allowed.
The Chairman thanked the speaker and expressed the sincere sympathies of the Council for her loss, and for any additional distress that had occurred as a result of the Council’s actions, however well intentioned.  He noted that the cemetery was maintained by volunteers and that decisions were taken in the interest of past, present and future users, not on a personal basis.  He noted that the matter would be discussed later in the meeting at item 11.1.
District Councillor Trotter reassured the speaker that she understood that everyone’s grief was different and the impact of grief on mental health.  She added that, as someone whose father was buried in the cemetery, she could not fault the Parish Council and the volunteers who looked after it and was sorry that the speaker felt that they hadn’t served her family.  She added that she was happy to become involved if she was able to assist in any way.  
One member of the public left the meeting, the member of the public who had addressed the meeting remained.  The meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance, the Vice-Chair Councillor Marshall, Councillors Gosbee, Leslie, Porter, Rowbotham and Reeves, District Councillor Trotter, and the Clerk Mrs Gascoigne.  
The Chairman gave apologies on behalf of Councillor Sentance, the reasons for which were accepted.  
Councillor Reeves asked the Clerk to note his interest planning application S21/0201 relating to 25-27 High Street.  No requests for dispensation were made.
4.1 The Chairman proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 11 January 2021 be approved as a true record.
Resolved: The minutes of the meetings held on 11 January 2021 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.
5.1 County Councillor Hill was not in attendance.  District Councillor Trotter indicated that she had nothing to report other than items covered on the agenda.  She noted that there was no update on Cold Harbour, as the Council wished to hold an in-person meeting where all parties could attend before making a decision. 
6. CLERK’S REPORT (20/94)
6.1 Members noted the contents of the Clerk’s report, providing updates on actions taken since the last meeting.
6.2 LALC Membership and Training Scheme
The Chairman proposed that the Council approve renewal of the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) Membership for 2021/22 at a cost of £248.78.  The Clerk recommended that the Council join the LALC training scheme at a cost of £120, which would entitle Members and the Clerk to access useful training events at no additional cost.  The Chairman proposed that the Council join the training scheme.
Resolved: To renew LALC Membership and to join the LALC training scheme.
Action: The Clerk to make payment and inform LALC.
6.3 Social Media Training
Councillor Marshall reported that she had attended social media training, which had provided reassurance that she was doing the right things in regard to the Council’s Facebook page, as well as some new ideas such as posting planning applications which she had not previously done.
7. FINANCE (20/95)
7.1 Members noted income received as follows.
Remitter Purpose Amount £
PA Illingworth Reimbursement 12,138.03
Green Man Donation for village sign 142.00
P Buckley & A Marshall Calendar donations 55.00
Burial Ground Ashes interment 70.00
Western Power Wayleave agreement 154.41
7.2 The Chairman proposed that the items of expenditure listed below be approved.
Resolved:  To approve the proposed items of expenditure.
Payee Purpose Amount £
Employment Costs January salaries 594.42
Clerk’s Expenses Zoom Costs November and December 2020 28.78
CPRE Subscription 2020 36.00
Councillor’s Expenses M Rowbotham Humby bulbs 44.92
Village Hall Calendar sales donations 555.00
Employment Costs February salaries 482.25
LALC Social Media training 27.00
Clive Keble Neighbourhood Plan consultancy 200.00
Community Heartbeat Trust Electrodes 46.80
Employment Costs March salaries 484.65
Councillor’s Expenses Reimbursement of RBL Donation 120.00
Colin McGarrigle Mower maintenance and fuel 75.00
Councillors Expenses Councillor Gosbee fuel 27.69
7.3 Councillor Porter joined the meeting at 7.39pm and apologised for his lateness due to being delayed at work.
The Chairman proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.  Resolved:  To approve the February bank reconciliation.
7.4 Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2020/21 budget to date previously circulated by the Clerk.  The Chairman informed the Clerk that a further payment of £246 would be due to Clive Keble for further work on the Neighbourhood Plan.
7.5 Earmarked Reserves
Members noted the statement of earmarked reserves circulated by the Clerk.  The Chairman informed the Clerk that updates may be required to the amounts reserved for the Village Sign and phone boxes following items later on the agenda.
8. PLANNING (20/96)
8.1 Members noted the following planning decisions:
S20/2221 Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Dwelling houses, Manor Farm Great Humby Approved Conditionally 15 February 2021
8.2 S20/2222 Change of use of buildings from agricultural use to flexible commercial use, Manor Farm Great Humby Details Required 15 February 2021
8.3 S20/2179 Re-use of agricultural building for 2 dwelling houses, Manor Farm Great Humby Granted 25 February 2021
The Chairman and District Councillor Trotter informed Councillors that they had not been approached by parishioners regarding these decisions.
8.4 Members noted the following planning applications on which no comments were made by the Council:
S20/2170 Erection of side porch, The Cottage, The Green, Little Humby.
8.5 S21/0067 Extension and alterations to dwelling, Fentonleigh, 14 Church Lane, Ropsley
8.6 Members noted the following planning application on which representations were made by the Council:
S21/0201 Residential development of 5 dwellings 25 & 27 High Street Ropsley 
The Chairman noted that a number of comments had been received from parishioners in respect of the application.  District Councillor Trotter added that she had been liaising with the Planning Officer who had made a site visit last week, although she had not yet received his report.  SKDC had so far received ten objections to the application, and she had asked that the application go before the Planning Committee if planners were minded to approve it.  
The Chairman summarised the comments he had received around flooding and surface water, the ecological impact, loss of privacy to neighbours, light and noise pollution, traffic volume and hazard, and inconsistency with the Local and Neighbourhood Plan (which had not yet been adopted).  He noted that the consultation period had been extended to 22 March as SKDC hadn’t initially consulted with all the neighbours affected.
Councillor Porter asked if the application was in opposition to the draft Neighbourhood Plan.  The Chairman responded that the Neighbourhood Plan defined the edge of the built-up area of the village, which some of the application fell without, and outlined the type of housing that was requested as part of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation, which the large homes proposed did not meet.
Councillor Gosbee noted that many years ago a previous planning application had been refused for a single bungalow on the site, the access arrangements at the time were a problem.  Councillor Porter responded that planning regulations may have changed in the intervening period in favour of the applicants.  District Councillor Trotter noted that the number of planning applications, particularly in rural areas, had increased markedly in the last two years.  Councillor Reeves asked whether the Neighbourhood Plan had been referenced in the Council’s representations, which the Clerk confirmed that it had.
8.7 Members noted the following pre-planning application:
S20/1540 Paddock adjacent to Corner House Farm, Little Humby.
The Chairman noted that a consultation with villagers was underway, and that the Council would await the full planning application, at which time the Neighbourhood and Local Plans would be referred to.
8.8 Members considered the following planning application:
S21/0336 Erection of double garage, 19 Grantham Road, Ropsley, NG33 4BX
Councillor Marshall reported that the proposed garage replaced an older building and was set back from the road. Members had no comments.
8.9 Members noted correspondence from South Kesteven District Council regarding consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement and Draft Design Guideline for Rutland and South Kesteven.
9.1 The Chairman reported that, after five years, the Neighbourhood Plan process was nearing conclusion.  Consultations had taken place and an independent examiner had approved the plan, which now needed to be approved by SKDC.  Following this, a referendum would be held, which could be conducted on 6 May alongside local elections.  The Parish Council would produce a small flyer, printed by SKDC, to be distributed to parishioners to encourage them to vote.  After the referendum, an application would be made for an additional grant to print copies of the Neighbourhood Plan for the steering group and the Parish Council. 
Councillor Rowbotham noted from the Village Hall Committee meeting that no contact had been made with the Village Hall regarding a booking for the referendum.
Action: Councillor Buckley to contact SKDC to determine responsibility for booking the venue.
10. HIGHWAYS (20/98)
10.1 Drainage
The Clerk reported that she had contacted Anglian Water, who were happy to arrange a meeting once they had received a quote from the Lead Local Flood Authority.  Once an update was received from Anglian Water, the Clerk would ask Councillor Hill to arrange for a Highways representative to join the meeting.
Councillor Leslie reported that works had been carried out in Braceby which seemed to have resolved the flooding issue.  
Action: The Clerk to add to the May agenda for update.
10.2 Speeding Traffic
Members discussed the ongoing issues with speeding in the village and Councillors Reeves and Sentence had both indicated that they would be happy to volunteer to be involved.  The Chairman asked the Clerk to add the matter to the next agenda, so that speed could be monitored when traffic was at more normal levels following lockdown and the return of schools.  The Chairman mentioned a 2014/15 traffic survey and asked the Clerk to research this.
Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda and to look into a previous traffic survey from 2014/15.
10.3 Additional grit bin for Braceby
Councillor Leslie reported that an additional grit bin had been requested at the bottom of the hill coming into Braceby, as it was very steep and liable to become icy.  Councillor Reeves asked whether the bin might be better located at the top of the hill to prevent volunteers from needing to transport grit up the hill.  The Clerk reported that she had forwarded the Lincolnshire County Council criteria for awarding additional grit bins to Councillor Leslie, who would return the request to LCC for consideration.  If the application was approved, LCC would cover the cost.  Councillor Rowbotham asked that the Clerk forward the criteria to her so that she could apply for an additional bin for Chapel Hill.
Action: The Clerk to forward the grit bin allocation criteria to Councillor Rowbotham.
10.4 Village Hall Grass Triangle
The Chairman referred Members to correspondence from the Village Hall Committee indicating that the grass triangle would be reinstated by the contractors and recommending that kerb stones were installed.  Councillor Gosbee remarked that the triangle had been tarmacked over, making it smaller on two sides.  This meant that two-way traffic was now passing on one side of the road.  The footpath from the back of Paddock Close to Braceby Road was now only two feet wide and left nowhere for pedestrians to walk, which was especially dangerous due to the two-way traffic.  Councillor Reeves noted that some of the issues mentioned would be on the snagging list to be picked up by the contractor within the next year, and it may be useful for the Parish Council to meet with the Village Hall Committee to discuss this prior to taking up any remaining issues with the relevant authorities.
Action: The Clerk to arrange a meeting between the Village Hall Committee and Councillors Buckley and Gosbee.
10.5 Rewilding of Verges 
The Chairman reported an enquiry from a parishioner who felt that the current mowing regime for verges damaged wildflowers and could be done more sensitively to protect wildlife. This would only require a corridor to left unmowed, and she had volunteered her assistance with the project.  The Chair had also received correspondence from another parishioner, who considered that the verges needed to be mowed to prevent proliferation of undesirable species, and to ensure visibility and space for walkers and riders.  The Chairman added that the Neighbourhood Plan encouraged the adoption of environmental schemes.
Councillor Porter commented that it would be difficult for walkers to step onto the verge to avoid traffic if the grass was not kept down, and there could also be an impact on drainage and maintenance of ditches. Residents were fortunate that most local landowners maintained their hedgerows, and it may be difficult to dictate a cutting regime to them.  Councillor Leslie agreed with regard to safety for walkers, and Councillor Rowbotham added that longer grass would make the litter picker’s task more difficult.  Councillor Marshall noted that verges needed to be cut back periodically to allow the wildflowers to come back.
Action: The Chairman to contact the parishioner to request further details on the safety aspects of the plan, and to try and understand how this fit with LCC’s mowing plan.
11. CEMETERY (20/99)
11.1 Memorial Bench Request
The Chairman noted that the Clerk had circulated further correspondence regarding the request for a memorial bench in the cemetery.  The request was initially declined and had since been reviewed with the original decision upheld.  In order to revisit a previous decision of the Council within six months, two Councillors would need to propose that it was reviewed.  The Chairman asked Councillors whether they wished to propose a review of the decision, which no Councillor indicated that they would.  The Chairman therefore informed the meeting that the original decision of the Council would for the reasons previously described.
Resolved: To uphold the previous decision of the Council to decline the request for a memorial bench.
Action: The Clerk to write to the family to confirm the Council’s decision.
The remaining member of the public left the meeting.
11.2 Right of Way
The Chairman asked members to formally note Item 9 in the Minutes of the March 2015 Parish Council meeting where the Clerk informed Members no right of way into the Cemetery over No 27 High Street was shown on the Land Registry title and that Highways also confirmed no right of way.  Members noted this as requested.
12.1 Purchase of an Additional Lawn Mower
Councillor Gosbee had been approached by a parishioner who wished to volunteer to help with village maintenance one day per week.  He proposed that an additional lawn mower was purchased at a cost of up to £700 to allow the volunteer to assist with grass cutting.  He also requested £70 to purchase a back plate for the ride on mower which would mulch the grass and put it into the ground, which would save a considerable amount of time.  
Councillor Rowbotham asked how many mowers the Council now had, to which Councillor Gosbee responded that they had a ride on mower purchased three years ago, a new mower purchased last year, and an old push mower.  Councillor Leslie asked whether the volunteer would store the mower, which Councillor Gosbee confirmed he would.  Councillor Marshall proposed that the request be approved, as it was important to encourage volunteers who could provide cover if any of the existing team was unavailable.
Resolved: To approve the purchase of a lawn mower of up to £700 and a back plate for the ride on mower of up to £70.
Action: Councillor Gosbee to purchase the items.
12.2 Village Gates
Councillor Marshall shared a presentation on the Village Gates, which showed the proposed design and location of the gates and quotes for their purchase and installation of £4.6k ex VAT and £1.1k respectively.  Councillor Marshall noted that she would need to contact Ropsley Farms and the utility companies to check that they had no issues with the proposals.  Members discussed the potential for damage to the gates by vehicles, and the potential for the gates to damage vehicles.  They also considered what wording would be most effective on the attached signage to deter speeding.  Councillor Marshall confirmed that a 30mph sign could not be used as one set of gates would be positioned before the 30 miles per hour speed limit.  The Clerk noted that the cost would exceed the threshold in the Financial Regulations requiring three quotes unless there were no alternative suppliers.
Action: Councillor Marshall to contact Ropsley Farms and the utility companies.  The Clerk to contact the insurers to enquire what the additional premium would be.  The Clerk to enquire whether the County and District Councils were aware of alternative suppliers who could be approached for quotes.  Members to contact Councillor Marshall in the next week with their view on what the wording on the signage should be.  The Clerk to add to the next agenda.
12.3 Village Sign
The Chairman proposed that the approval of £1,500 given at the last meeting be increased to £1760 ex VAT in line with the quote received.  There may also be a charge for the wood, to be confirmed.  He reported that the manufacture would take two to three months with a view to installation in the summer.  The Chairman suggested that consideration of a bench around the sign be added to the next agenda. 
Resolved: To approve the quote of £1,760 ex VAT to purchase a new village sign.
Action: The Clerk to add consideration of a bench to the next agenda.  The Chairman to place the order for the sign.
12.4 Sapperton and Braceby Phone Boxes
Councillor Porter confirmed that the Sapperton phone box would not be sandblasted, as this would have required it to be dismantled and removed but would be painted.  Councillor Rowbotham asked whether the contractor might be able to use the paint left over from the Humby phone box, and Councillor Porter asked her to send a photograph of the brand and colour to forward to the contractor.  The 90-day consultation period prior to adoption of the Braceby phone box was underway and the Clerk would report once it was complete.
Action: Councillor Rowbotham to send a photograph of the leftover paint to Councillor Porter.  The Clerk to add feedback from the consultation to the May agenda.
12.5 Village Hall
Councillor Reeves reported that the build was complete but that the Village Hall was temporarily closed due to COVID restrictions.  It would open in four stages, with various degrees of permitted usage, in line with the government road map, and should be fully open after 21 June.  Members noted that as the next Parish Council meeting was scheduled for 10 May, it would need to be held on Zoom.
12.6 Community Updates
Councillor Marshall proposed that the Best Kept Garden competition be run again, with a £20 Green Man voucher for the winner.  She noted that as last year’s judge, John Stirland, had moved away, last year’s winner could be asked to judge.
Resolved: To approve the running of a Best Kept Garden competition with a prize of £20 in Green Man vouchers.
Action: To add to the next agenda for an update.
Councillor Rowbotham reported that she had received a request to put kerb stones around the triangle at Great Humby due to concerns about lorries eroding it.  The Chairman commented that this had been previously requested of Highways on several occasions but this had not been a priority item for them. He also explained that the triangle was designated as a 'Local (non-designated) Heritage Asset' in the Neighbourhood Plan which would afford some development protection. He noted that the best course of action may be a letter to Humby Farms explaining that the Parish Council would like to see the triangle preserved, particularly whilst the Manor Farm buildings were redeveloped.  Councillor Rowbotham also reported potholes on the Grantham Road to Somerby.  The Clerk asked Councillors to provide her with location details for any highways issues so that she could report them to LCC via FixMyStreet.
Action: The Clerk to write to Humby Farms, and Councillor Rowbotham to provide location details for the potholes to allow reporting to LCC.
Councillor Gosbee reported that a tree root had lifted the tarmac outside 23 School Lane which was a trip hazard, especially as there was no streetlight.
Action: The Clerk to report this to Highways.
13.1 Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the January meeting. 
13.2 Members noted correspondence from Maisie McMahon, Safer Together Co-ordinator, Lincolnshire Police.
13.3 Members noted correspondence from SKDC regarding flood prevention.  Councillors discussed whether sand bags would be useful, and concluded that the would not with the exception of Humby, which already had them.  They agreed to review this at a future date.
14. STAFFING (20/102)
14.1 SLCC Membership
The Clerk requested a contribution of £70 towards SLCC membership, which would give her access to a professional network and additional sources of training and advice.  Councillor Marshall proposed that this be approved.
Resolved: To approve a contribution of £70 towards the Clerk’s SLCC Membership.
14.2 Digitisation of Burial Records
The Clerk requested approval of up to 20 hours overtime to cover digitisation of Exclusive Right of Burial and Burial records, and to digitise the cemetery plan.  She noted that this would safeguard against damage or destruction of the paper records and would improve her ability to search records in response to queries, which currently required time consuming searches through paper records.
Resolved:  To approve up to 20 hours overtime for the digitisation of burial records.
15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING (20/103)  
15.1 Monday 10 May 2021 (Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting)
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm