Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Ropsley & District Parish Council held at Ropsley Hall on Thursday 18 May 2023.
Public Forum
There were three members of the public in attendance.  One reported that two benches in the cemetery were in a poor state of repair.  He also asked whether the new sign on the cemetery gate, regarding dog fouling, should also have reminded visitors that dogs must be on a lead.  Members discussed whether dogs should be banned from the cemetery and agreed that this was not necessary at present but would be reviewed if there was a significant issue.
Action: The Chair to investigate and the Clerk to write to the families if necessary to ask them to repair or remove the benches.
Action: The Chair to purchase a sign indicating that dogs must be kept on a lead in the cemetery.
The member of the public reported that the battery mower supplied by the Council for mowing in the village was not sufficiently heavy duty for the tasks performed.  He offered to buy the mower from the Parish Council at its original cost, and asked that a more suitable alternative be sourced. 
Action: The Clerk to provide bank details for the purchase of the mower, and Councillor Louth to investigate alternative mowers in his capacity as Gardening Gang lead.
One member of the public left the meeting and two remained to observe.
In Attendance
Councillor Ward (Chair), Councillor Marshall (Vice-Chair), Councillor Hughes, Councillor Leslie, Councillor Louth, Councillor Vaughan, Mrs N Gascoigne (Clerk & RFO), District Councillor Trotter.
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.15pm
Councillor Leslie proposed that Councillor Ward be re-elected as Chairman, which was seconded by Councillor Marshall.  Councillor Ward indicated that he was happy to stand and there were no other candidates.  The Chair duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Resolved:  To re-elect Councillor Ward as Chair.
Councillor Ward proposed that Councillor Marshall be re-elected as Vice-Chair, which proposal was seconded by Councillor Louth.  Councillor Marshall indicated that she was happy to stand and there were no other candidates. The Vice-Chair duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 
Resolved:  To re-elect Councillor Marshall as Vice-Chair. 
The Chairman welcomed returning and newly elected Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Councillor Vaughan asked whether the Chair and Vice-Chair had any powers in excess of those of other Councillors.  The Chair explained that they had certain powers around approving invoices between meetings, and the Chair had a casting vote, but otherwise their powers were the same as other Councillors.  District Councillor Trotter and another member of the public joined the meeting at 7.17pm.
Apologies were received from Councillor Rowbotham, the reasons for which were accepted.
No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were made.
6.1 Councillor Marshall proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22 March be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2023 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.
7.1 The Clerk advised that she had reviewed the Financial Regulations and Standing Orders against the model documents and there were no significant changes.  The Chairman proposed that the documents be approved.
Resolved: To approve the Financial Regulations and Standing Orders.
8. ANNUAL RETURN (23/08)  
8.1 Members considered the Internal Audit Report for 2021/22 and noted that all questions were answered in the affirmative with the exception of Petty Cash which was not applicable. 
8.2 The Chairman read each statement of Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement in turn and Members indicated their agreement to each question.  Councillor Marshall proposed that the Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement was approved, which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.
Resolved:  To approve Section 1 of the Annual Governance Return.
8.3 Members considered the Annual Accounting statements contained in Section 2 of the Annual Return, which had previously been circulated along with supporting documents.  Councillor Marshall proposed that they be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Louth.
Resolved:  To approve Section 2 of the Annual Governance Return.
8.4 Councillor Vaughan proposed that the Council declare exemption from External Audit as its income and expenditure were below £25k in 2021/22 and all other conditions were met, which was seconded by Councillor Marshall.
Resolved: To declare exemption from external audit.
Action: The Annual Governance Return and Certificate of Exemption to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk, the Certificate of Exemption to be returned to the External Auditor and the Annual Governance Return and supporting papers to be posted on the website.
The Chair moved the meeting to agenda item 11.
11. FINANCE (23/09)
11.1 Members noted income received as follows:
Remitter Purpose Amount £
SKDC Precept 2022/23 13,210.00
HMRC VAT Rebate 606.39
11.2 Councillor Marshall proposed that the following payments be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.
Payee Purpose Amount £
Ryobi Ltd Battery mower and strimmer 219.99
Autela Payroll Ltd Payroll services 69.31
Employment costs April 2023 634.00
Npower Telephone box electricity 115.60
HSBC Bank charges 5.00
Shaw & Sons Grants of Exclusive Right of Burial 153.60
Cloudnext domain and email hosting 191.98
ICCM Annual membership 95.00
Tracey Broughton Internal Audit 75.00
CPRE Annual Fee 36.00
Resolved: To approve the payments as listed.
11.3 Councillor Marshall proposed that the April bank reconciliation be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Ward. 
Resolved:  To approve the April bank reconciliation.
11.4 Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2022/23 budget to date.  Councillor Ward asked about a grant payment made in April, which the Clerk explained related to the Toddlers at Ropsley payment approved in 2022/23 which couldn’t be paid until a bank account had been opened for the group.  He also noted that the Ropsley Maintenance Cost budget related to payments for mowing of the cemetery.  
The Chair returned the meeting to item 9.
District Councillor Trotter was pleased to report that she had been re-elected uncontested.  SKDC was in no overall control following the elections, and a coalition had been formed of Conservatives and independent Councillors, but the remaining parties had joined together to form a cabinet.  Councillor Trotter had been appointed Vice-chair of the Standards Committee and was also a member of the Police and Crime Panel.  There would be a focus on savings in view of the cost of living crisis. She had attended a presentation from the Community Policing team and had asked if they would be willing to come to other parish councils.  She reported that Grounds Maintenance was being returned in-house at SKDC.
Councillor Ward asked about the SKDC quarterly newsletter moving online, as not everyone had internet access.  ST explained that there were still hard copies available, and that she would collect some to leave in the parish.
10. CLERK’S REPORT (23/11)
10.1 Councillors noted the contents of the Clerk’s Report with regards to actions from previous minutes.  
10.2 The Clerk noted that Councillor Rowbotham had decided not to resign, but would be absent due to ill health for some time.  Members discussed co-option to the casual vacancy arising following the uncontested elections on 4 May and agreed to advertise the vacancy on noticeboards, Facebook and the website with the Chair and Vice-Chair to meet with candidates for an informal discussion.
10.3 The Clerk reminded Councillors that New Councillor and refresher training was available, and that they should contact her to book a place. 
12. PLANNING (23/12)
12.1 Members considered the following planning application:
12.1.1 S23/0670 Application for approval of Reserved Matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping in connection with outline application no. S20/0659 (Erection of single storey dwelling), 38 High Street, Ropsley, Lincolnshire, NG33 4BE.
Councillors discussed a large tree close located in a neighbouring property which was close to the boundary and which might affect drainage if removed.  
Action: The Clerk to contact the Planning Authority to report the Council’s concerns regarding the tree.
12.2 Members noted the following application on which no comment was made:
12.2.1 S23/0257 Replacement of 8 non-original single glazed timber-framed windows on the east and west elevations, Corner House Farm, Main Street, Little Humby, Lincolnshire, NG33 4HW.
13. HIGHWAYS (23/13)
13.1 Members noted correspondence regarding mowing of the verges on Paddock Close, to which the Clerk had responded to indicate that this was the responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council.
13.2 Members considered correspondence regarding an enquiry about tidying of roads and verges, which Councillor Trotter agreed to check.
Action: Councillor Trotter to check the SKDC position on the tidying of roads and verges by a member of the public.
14. CEMETERY (23/14)
14.1 The Clerk recommended that Burial Ground fees remain unchanged, with which Members were in agreement.
Resolved: To approve the Burial Ground Fees for 2023/24.
14.2 Councillor Ward proposed that the quote from Tidy Gardens and Grounds be accepted, as it was the most comprehensive and fully identified the scope of the task.  Councillor Vaughan proposed that an initial period of three months be agreed, with a 30-day notice period.
Resolved: To approve the quote from Tidy Gardens and Grounds with an initial period of three months and a 30-day notice period.
Action: The Clerk to contact the contractor to accept the quote and arrange an initial meeting.
14.3 Councillor Marshall reported that Councillor Louth had agreed to take the lead on the Gardening Gang volunteer group, once she had completed ordering of the hi-vis vests and booked the next meeting.  It was reported that the public footpath was impassable from the cemetery to the golf course road.  Councillor Marshall asked that consideration of rewilding areas and the planting of wildflower seeds be added to the next agenda.  One member of the public left the meeting at 8.43pm.
Action: Councillor Ward to provide a photograph of the overgrown footpath, the Clerk to add rewilding and planting of wildflower seeds to the next agenda.
14.4 Members discussed a selection of logos for Council volunteers, and Councillor Louth agreed to create a poll for Councillors to vote for their preferred design.  Councillor Hughes suggested that residents be asked to suggest jobs which volunteers could assist with, and Councillor Marshall agreed to post on Facebook to ask for suggestions.
Action: Councillor Louth to create a poll for voting on logo designs, and Councillor Marshall to post on Facebook to ask for suggestions of tasks the volunteers could assist with.
15.1 Councillor Leslie reported that a resident had volunteered to paint the phone box in Braceby, so a Shared Prosperity Fund application was no longer required.
15.2 Councillors asked that the Clerk report speeding vehicles on the return, and also report the speed of Anglian Water lorries travelling through Ropsley to the depot at Sapperton to Anglian Water.
Action: The Clerk to report speeding on the Force Priority Setting return, and to report the speed of lorries to Anglian Water.
15.3 Councillor Leslie reported that the sign at Sapperton was still missing letters.  The Clerk advised that this had been reported and followed up with Lincolnshire County Council Highways.  Councillor Marshall proposed that Councillors publish short biographies with photographs to let residents know who Councillors were.  Councillor Ward suggested a newsletter containing contact details for other village organisations such as the Parochial Church Council and Ropsley Hall.  Councillor Vaughan offered his printer for production of newsletters.  Councillor Hughes offered to approach other village organisations with a view to sharing dates of events and meetings.
Action: Councillor Marshall to draft a newsletter for approval and Councillor Hughes to approach village organisations with regard to sharing meeting and event dates.
16.1 Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the March meeting. 
17.1 Monday 10 July at 7pm at Ropsley Hall. 
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.25pm.