Minutes September 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of Ropsley & District Parish Council held at Ropsley Hall on Monday 11 September 2023
Public Forum
There were no members of the public in attendance. Members resolved to suspend Standing Orders to allow the meeting to commence at 7pm.
In Attendance
Councillor Marshall (Vice-Chair), Councillor Campbell, Councillor Hughes, Councillor Leslie, Councillor Louth, Councillor Vaughan, Mrs N Gascoigne (Clerk & RFO), District Councillor Trotter, Mr Andrew Jones (candidate for Clerk’s vacancy).
The Vice-Chair opened the meeting at 7.03pm.
1.1 The Vice-Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.
2.1 Apologies were received from Councillors Ward and Rowbotham, the reasons for which were accepted.
3.1 There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation.
4.1 Councillor Hughes proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10 July 2023 be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Campbell.
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2023 were approved and duly signed by the Vice-Chair.
5.1 District Councillor Trotter reported that she had Chaired last week’s SKDC Standards Committee meeting, and informed Councillors of the role of the District Council monitoring officer to investigate complaints prior to them being taken to the Standards Committee. District Councillor Trotter reported that the Lincolnshire Devolution deal, which was due to be put forward by Lincolnshire County Council, and North and North East Lincolnshire in the Autumn, had been discussed by the seven Lincolnshire District Council leaders, noting the lack of representation for District Councils on the proposed Combined Mayoral Authority.
5.2 Councillor Trotter reported on work on improving the Grantham high street, using heritage funding and engaging voluntary and community groups in partnership with SKDC and Grantham Town Council. She also reported that SKDC Housing would be coming out of special measures, and that steps were being taken by SKDC to check buildings in its estate for RAAC (Reinforced Aerated Autoclaved Concrete), although it was unlikely that any buildings would be affected and nothing had come to light so far.
6. CLERK’S REPORT (23/39)
6.1 Councillors noted the contents of the Clerk’s Report with regards to actions from the previous minutes.
6.2 All Councillors except Councillors Leslie and Hughes had successfully accessed their .gov.uk email addresses.
Action: Councillor Marshall to assist Councillors Leslie and Hughes with accessing their email addresses.
6.3 Personnel Committee Terms of Reference
Councillors discussed the remit of the Committee, and agreed that it would be more sensible for the Chair and Vice-Chair to continue to conduct appraisals. Councillor Marshall noted the difficulty for Councillors in keeping up to date with HR issues, although the Clerk advised that expertise could be accessed via the Lincolnshire Association for Local Councils if needed.
Action: The Clerk to add a revised Terms of Reference excluding appraisals to the next agenda, and the Committee to consider its remit for discussion at the next meeting.
7. FINANCE (23/39)
7.1 Members noted income received as follows:
Remitter Purpose Amount £
Cemetery fees EROB and Interment 140.00
7.2 Members considered the listed items of expenditure for approval. Councillor Louth proposed that the expenditure be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.
Resolved: To approve expenditure as follows:
Payee Purpose Amount £
Tidy Gardens Cemetery grounds maintenance 546.00
BHIB Ltd Insurance 2022/23 722.98
Ropsley Hall Community Room hire 42.30
Clerk’s Expenses Recruitment advert LCC 49.00
Autela Payroll services 64.02
Employment Costs July 2023 610.15
HSBC Bank charges July 2023 5.00
Councillor’s Expenses Councillor Marshall High Vis Vests 115.08
Stuart Beeston Lawnmower servicing 240.00
Tidy Gardens Cemetery grounds maintenance 546.00
SKDC Election expenses 142.33
Community Heartbeat Trust Defibrillator Consumables 56.34
Employment Costs August 2023 583.15
HSBC Bank Charges August 2023 5.00
7.3 The Vice-Chair proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.
Resolved: To approve the August bank reconciliation, which was duly signed by Councillor Hughes.
7.4 Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2022/23 budget to date.
8. VOLUNTEERS (23/40)
8.1 Volunteer Meeting and Activity Update
Councillor Marshall that 25 people had attended the meeting on 5 September, and that village organisations including Ropsley Toddlers, Ropsley Hall, the Church and the Women’s Institute had been represented. Suggestions had been made for volunteer projects although some might be better being led by other organisations such as Ropsley Hall.
8.1.1 Councillor Marshall mentioned that the suggestion of a Christmas Tree and lights with a turning on ceremony for the community had been raised. Councillor Trotter noted that she had some trees on the farm which may be suitable. Councillor Leslie asked about notice board refurbishment, and Councillors responded that a resident was in the process of refurbishing Parish Council noticeboards.
Action: Councillor Trotter to ask SKDC whether they would consent to placing a Christmas tree on the village green. Councillors Trotter and Hughes to look at costs for tree and lights.
Action: Councillor Campbell to write a piece for Facebook regarding contacting Western Power to report any trees overhanging power lines.
8.2 Garage and Storage of Equipment
The Clerk reported that she had been informed by SKDC that no garage applications were being processed for the time being due to a survey of garages being undertaken. Members agreed to continue storing gardening equipment with volunteers until a new application for a garage could be made.
9. PLANNING (23/41)
9.1 Members noted the following planning applications on which no comments were made:
9.1.1 S23/1452 Extensions and alterations to existing house. Conversion of existing outbuilding into a residential annex, 1 Peck Hill, Ropsley, Lincolnshire, NG33 4BL
9.1.2 S23/1343/44 and 46 Submission of details reserved by Condition 6 (Archaeology) of planning permission S20/2222, Condition 5 (Archaeology) of planning permissions S20/2179 and S20/2221. Location: Manor Farm, Great Humby, NG33 4HW
9.2 Members noted the following planning decisions:
9.2.1 S23/1155 Side roof extension and ground floor rear extension and new portico, 22 Church Lane Ropsley NG33 4BD Approved: 16th August 2023
9.2.2 S23/0670 Application for approval of Reserved Matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping in connection with outline application no. S20/0659 (Erection of single storey dwelling), 38 High Street Ropsley Application Withdrawn 4th July 2023
10. HIGHWAYS (23/42)
10.1 Speeding Vehicles
The Clerk reported that she had spoken with Anglian Water following reports of lorries working on the pipeline project speeding through Ropsley. She had been assured that contractors had been spoken to and informed that they would be removed from the project if there continued to be an issue. In addition, the phase of the project involving removing spoil had now ended for the time being, which should reduce the number of vehicles.
10.2 Members noted correspondence from LCC regarding a Highways and Drainage survey.
Action: To add membership of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and purchase of speed signs to the next agenda.
11. CEMETERY (23/43)
11.1 Update on Work Needed
Councillor Louth reported that the hedge in the cemetery needed to be trimmed and asked the Clerk to obtain a quote from the contractor for the work. He noted that the rotavator was not working properly and may need a new drive belt. He would discuss the type of mower to be purchased with volunteers and report back to Council.
Action: Councillor Louth to obtain a quote for repair of the rotavator, and to speak to volunteers regarding purchase of a new mower. The Clerk to contact the contractor regarding a quote for cutting the cemetery hedge, and to ask him to ensure grass from strimming was not left on headstones.
11.2 Wildflower Seeds
Councillor Louth proposed the purchase of one kilogram of wildflower seeds at a cost of £65 ex VAT. Councillor Vaughan suggested that a sign be placed in the cemetery to indicate that the uncut areas were to be rewilded.
Resolved: To approve the purchase of one kilogram of wildflower seed at a cost of £65.
Action: Councillor Louth to purchase the wildflower seed.
12.1 Major Projects
Action: The Clerk to add this item to the next agenda.
12.2 Combined Activity calendar
Councillor Hughes reported that invitations had been sent to village organisations, and feedback had so far been received from the Women’s Institute. She would follow up with organisations and circulate the calendar to all organisations including the Green Man pub, market garden and school Parent Teacher Association.
Action: Councillor Hughes to circulate calendar to village organisations.
12.3 Calendar Competition
Councillor Marshall reported that 150 photographs had been entered in the competition, and the winner would be announced next week. This year’s calendar would include both large and small photographs so that more entries could be featured. Councillor Campbell agreed to take over running of the competition next year, and Councillor Hughes thanked Councillor Marshall for her efforts in running the competition for the last three years.
Action: Councillor Marshall to meet with Councillor Campbell to hand over running of the calendar competition.
12.4 Autumn newsletter
Councillor Marshall proposed that Councillor Vaughan be reimbursed for the cost of paper and printing for the newsletter in the amount of £30. She agreed to put the newsletter together in October, and asked Members to contact her with content.
Action: Members to contact Councillor Marshall with content for the Autumn newsletter before 8 October.
12.5 High Speed Broadband
The Clerk reported that she had undertaken further research and determined that Ropsley was not eligible for the scheme.
12.6 Community Updates
Councillor Leslie reported on correspondence with SKDC and Welby Estate regarding a map showing incorrect information regarding walking routes in Braceby. There were no further updates.
13.1 Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the July meeting.
14.1 Resolved: To move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies Act of 1960 due to the confidential nature of matters to be discussed.
Councillor Trotter and Mr Jones left the meeting at 8.32pm.
14.2 Councillor Marshall proposed that Mr Jones was appointed to the position of Clerk & RFO subject to confirmation of satisfactory references, which was seconded by Councillor Vaughan.
Resolved: To appoint Mr Jones as Clerk & RFO subject to the receipt of satisfactory references.
14.3 Councillor Hughes proposed that a laptop for use by the Clerk and belonging to the Parish Council be purchased at a cost of up to £500, which was seconded by Councillor Vaughan.
Resolved: To approve the purchase of a Parish Council laptop for use by the Clerk at a cost of up to £500.
Action: Mr Jones to select an appropriate laptop.
16.1 Members agreed to change the meeting date to Tuesday 21 November at 7pm at Ropsley Hall.
The meeting was closed by the Vice-Chair at 8.38pm.