Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting May 2021

Minutes of the Ropsley & District Annual Parish Council Meeting held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Thursday, 6 May 2021.
Public Session
There were no members of the public in attendance.  The meeting commenced at 7.10pm.
Councillor Marshall proposed that Councillor Buckley be re-elected as Chairman, which proposal was seconded by Councillor Rowbotham.  Councillor Buckley indicated that he was happy to stand and there were no other candidates.
Resolved:  To re-elect Councillor Buckley as Chairman. 
Action:  Councillor Buckley to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office form, to be returned to the Clerk.
Councillor Buckley proposed that Councillor Marshall be re-elected as Vice-Chair, which proposal was seconded by Councillor Rowbotham.  Councillor Marshall indicated that she was happy to stand and there were no other candidates. 
Resolved:  To re-elect Councillor Marshall as Vice-Chair. 
Action:  Councillor Marshall to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office form, to be returned to the Clerk.
The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance, the Vice-Chair Councillor Marshall, Councillors Gosbee, Leslie and Rowbotham, District Councillor Trotter, County Councillor Hill and the Clerk Mrs Gascoigne.  
The Chairman gave apologies on behalf of Councillors Sentance, Porter and Reeves, the reasons for which were accepted.  
No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were made.
6.1 The Chairman proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 8 March 2021 be approved as a true record.
Resolved: The minutes of the meetings held on 8 March 2021 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.
7.1 The Chairman proposed that the updated Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, previously circulated by the Clerk, be approved.
Resolved: To approve the updated Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
Actions: The Chairman to sign the updated policies, and the Clerk to post on the website.
8. ANNUAL RETURN (21/08)
8.1 Members considered the Internal Audit Report for 2010/21 provided by Mrs Mackenzie and noted that all sections were answered in the affirmative, with the exception of item F relating to petty cash which was not applicable.  The Clerk explained that the accounts would also be subject to external audit this year, as the Council had exceeded the £25k limit for exemption due to the £10k grant received from InvestSK.  
8.2 The Chairman read each statement of Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement in turn and Members indicated their agreement to each question.  Councillor Rowbotham proposed that the Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement was approved.  
Resolved:  To approve Section 1 of the Annual Governance Return.
8.3 Members considered the Annual Accounting statements contained in Section 2 of the Annual Return, which had previously been circulated along with supporting documents.  The Chairman proposed that they be approved.  
Resolved:  To approve Section 2 of the Annual Governance Return.
Action:  The Clerk to forward Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR to the Chairman for signature and return to the Clerk for submission and publication.
County Councillor Hill referred to planning application PL/0054/21 requesting a change of conditions at Ropsley quarry to permit blasting on weekdays (excluding Bank Holidays) between 9am and 3pm.  He noted that the number of blasts was likely to be in the order of three per week, and that this would be quieter than mechanical means of dislodging the stone.  Properties in the immediate vicinity had been notified individually of the application.
The Chairman asked what the noise level would be, and whether there was likely to be significant dust.  Councillor Hill responded that the technical detail was contained in the application, but that it was likely to be a short, sharp noise.  Councillor Leslie noted that the application had been discussed in Braceby, and that villagers appreciated the need for businesses to operate as long as the blasting did not impinge on their recreational time.  Councillor Hill remarked that work had been undertaken which he hoped would finally resolve the flooding issue in Braceby.  Councillor Leslie responded that it seemed to have worked the last time it rained.  
District Councillor Trotter informed Councillors that SKDC would shortly be launching its new community awards to celebrate people and organisations who had made a difference to the community.  She asked that Councillors let her know if they were aware of anyone who should be recognised.  She also noted that COVID home testing kits were now available and could be collected from Grantham West Community Centre, Queen Elizabeth Park and a number of local pharmacies.
Councillor Marshall referred to agenda item 16.6 regarding a request for provision of allotments and asked Councillor Trotter whether she was aware of any land that might be available.  Members noted that the former allotment site in the village had been built on some years ago, and the Chairman remarked that there were currently allotments at Bridge End Road.  Councillor Gosbee also asked Councillor Trotter when the remaining hornbeam tree donated by SKDC would be received.
Action: Councillor Trotter to ask whether any SKDC land might be available for allotments and the Clerk to write to the parishioner to update them.  Councillor Trotter to ask when the remaining hornbeam tree would be received.
10. CLERK’S REPORT (21/10)
10.1 Members noted the contents of the Clerk’s report, providing updates on actions taken since the last meeting.
11. FINANCE (21/11)
11.1 Members noted income received as follows.
Remitter Purpose Amount £
Carlton Scroop PC (2020/21) Contribution to Zoom Costs Feb-Mar 12.00
SKDC Precept 2021/22 12,500.00
Robert Holland Funeral Directors Burial fees 135.00
11.2 The Chairman proposed that the items of expenditure listed below be approved.
Resolved:  To approve the proposed items of expenditure.
Payee Purpose Amount £
Wave (2020/21) Cemetery water 36.82
Clerk’s Expenses (2020/21) Zoom Jan – March 43.17
Clive Keeble (2020/21) Neighbourhood Plan consultancy 249.00
Printhub (2020/21) Neighbourhood Plan printing 42.55
Ternex Village sign 50% deposit 1,056.00
LALC Annual subscription 2021/22 248.78
Information Commissioner’s Office ICO Registration 2021/22 35.00
Employment Costs April 2021 485.45
ICCM Membership fees 2021/22 95.00
Employment Costs May 2021 485.45
Councillor Gosbee Fuel Costs 75.83
Carol Mackenzie Internal Audit 40.00
Clerk’s expenses Zoom costs April – May 28.78
11.3 The Chairman proposed that Members approve the bank reconciliation previously circulated by the Clerk.  Resolved:  To approve the April bank reconciliation.
11.4 Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2021/22 budget to date previously circulated by the Clerk.  
11.5 Members noted the VAT126 reclaim for 2020/21 in the amount of £250.27.  The Chairman mentioned that he had received a provisional Section 137 grant application from the Ropsley Hall Management Committee, who hoped to purchase a collapsible stage for the Hall and to install Wifi and a workstation to allow members of the community to access the internet.  Members agreed that a full application could be considered at the July meeting.
Action: The Chairman to ask Ropsley Hall Management Committee to submit a Section 137 application for consideration at the July meeting.  The Clerk to add the matter to the agenda and to circulate an updated schedule of Earmarked Reserves to Councillors.
12. PLANNING (21/12)
12.1 Members noted the following planning decisions:
S21/0336 Erection of double garage, 19 Grantham Road Ropsley NG33 4BX Granted 19 April 2021
12.2 S20/2170 Erection of front extension, The Cottage The Green Little Humby NG33 4HW Granted 9 April 2021
12.3 S21/0601 Works to apple tree, 29 High Street Ropsley NG33 4BQ, Works allowed 29 April 2021
12.4 Members noted the following planning application on which no comments were made:
S21/0131 Replacement of rainwater goods, Church Farmhouse, Village Street, Braceby, NG34 0TA
12.5 S21/0761 Extension and alterations to dwelling, Fentonleigh, 14 Church Lane, Ropsley, NG33 4DA
Councillor Marshall noted that the original application had been declined, and that she had been asked by the applicant whether the Parish Council would support the revised application.  Members discussed the issues around precedence if the Council was seen to support individual applications without a discernible community benefit, and the reasons for the protection of the conservation area, even where this was to the detriment of individual residents.  The Chairman proposed that the Clerk write to SKDC to confirm that the Council had received no objections or negative comments, and that the application had the support of one of the Councillors.
Action: The Clerk to write to SKDC as discussed.
12.6 PL/0054/21 To vary condition 25 of planning permission S12/0158/CM to extract using modern blasting techniques, Ropsley Quarry, Long Hollow Lane, Ropsley.
The Chairman noted that this had been discussed at item 9 above.  The Chairman asked what the Council’s recourse would be if there was an issue with the proposed blasting in the future.  Councillor Hill explained that there would be conditions in the planning permission on which the Parish Council could revert to the Planning Authority if there were breaches.  Councillor Rowbotham asked whether the permission would stand for a specified period, and whether the quarry would be infilled.  Councillor Hill responded that the permission would be for an indefinite period until all the stone was worked out.
The Chairman proposed that the Clerk make representations that the Parish Council was concerned about potential noise levels and the frequency of blasting and would reserve the right to comment further if the noise became disruptive to the local community.
Action: The Clerk to make representations as discussed.
13.1 The Chairman reported that the Neighbourhood Plan referendum was taking place today and the result should be known the following day, with Councillor Trotter attending to observe the count.  Councillor Leslie noted that there had appeared to be a good turnout.  The Chairman added that once the result was known, he would obtain a quote for printing copies for the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan team and would make a grant application for funding.  
13.2 Clive Keble Planning Consultancy
The Chairman noted that there had been questions on the Neighbourhood Plan which required detailed policy responses, which Clive Keble had provided on an ad hoc basis.  He proposed that Mr Keble be engaged as and when required to provide planning consultancy to the Council on complex Neighbourhood Plan and planning matters, based on the agreed hourly rate.  
Resolved: To agree in principle to the appointment of Mr Keble to provide planning consultancy on an ad hoc basis charged at the agreed hourly rate.
14. HIGHWAYS (21/14)
14.1 Drainage Matters
The Clerk reported that she was awaiting a response from Anglian Water regarding a site meeting to discuss drainage matters in the village and would let Councillors know when there was an update.
Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda.
14.2 Community Speedwatch
Councillor Marshall asked if there was a cost to participating in the scheme, which the Clerk indicated there was.  Councillor Leslie proposed that the matter be deferred to the September meeting, to allow time to assess the impact of the Village Gates on speeding.  Councillor Hill added that the Parish Council could request that the County Council deploy Archer strips to measure traffic speeds.
Action: The Clerk to calculate the cost of participation in the Community Speedwatch scheme, to request that Highways deploy Archer strips during term-time and to add to the September agenda for consideration.
14.3 Ropsley Hall Verges
The Chairman reported that he and Councillor Gosbee had met with Chris Cordon and Paul Mason from Ropsley Hall Management Committee to look at the verges and grass triangle next to the Hall and had noted a combination of issues including some damage caused by the contractors working on the Hall, some damage caused by lorries cutting the corner and the general poor state of the road.  He added that as the junction next to the Hall was so busy it would be helpful for the triangle to be kerbed but suspected that Highways would suggest that it be covered over rather than kerbing.
Councillor Gosbee noted that the size of the triangle had been reduced and the edges tarmacked over, leading to two-way traffic on either side, and the road side was getting close to the hedge which was hazardous to pedestrians.  He acknowledged it may be safer to cover over the triangle.  The Chairman noted that it was unlikely that the contractors would return to site, and there were divided opinions on whether to keep the triangle for aesthetic and historical reasons, or to remove it for safety and practicality.  He added that Ropsley Farms had indicated that their farm machines would continue to drive over the triangle if it was kept due to their size.  He remarked that the community would need to understand why it needed to be removed, and a proper footpath that pedestrians could walk along would be safer.
Councillor Marshall commented that the triangle could be confusing to motorists, and the Chairman added that pedestrian safety was particularly pertinent as there was a playground beyond the hedge.  
Action: Councillor Hill to raise the matter with Highways, and to revert with proposed solutions.
Councillors Hill and Trotter left the meeting at 8.30pm
15. CEMETERY (21/15)
15.1 The Chairman proposed that Burial Ground fees remain unchanged for 2021/22 as they had been reviewed in July 2020.
Resolved: To approve the Burial Ground fees for 2021/22.
16.1 Village Gates
Councillor Marshall reported that she had obtained a quote from one other manufacturer as requested, but although this was cheaper, the material quality, look and feel were inferior.  SKDC had advised that most villages used Glasdon, who were approved by the Department for Transport unlike the alternative contractor.  Councillor Marshall also noted that Ropsley Farms had confirmed that the gates would not be an issue for their farm machinery.  She proposed that the quote for village gates from Glasdon in the amount of £4,660 ex VAT and installation by JC Groundworks in the amount of £1,100 be approved.  
Resolved: To approve the quotes from Glasdon and JC Groundworks.
Action:  Councillor Marshall to make the application to Lincolnshire County Council, with a view to installation of the gates within the next three months.
16.2 Village Sign
The Chairman reported that the sign was under construction following resolution of some technical issues and he hoped it would be complete in time for the July meeting.
16.3 Adoption of Braceby Phone Kiosk
The Chairman reported that the consultation on the telephone kiosk at Braceby had concluded without issue and proposed that it be adopted by the Parish Council at a cost of £1.
Resolved: To adopt the telephone kiosk at Braceby.
Action: The Clerk to sign the contract on behalf of the Council and to return to BT.
16.4 Best Kept Garden competition
Councillor Marshall reported that the competition was underway and had been publicised on the Council’s Facebook page, which had gained thirty new followers.  Last year’s winners would be judging, and a prize of £20 in Green Man vouchers was being offered for each category.  The competition would close at the end of June.
16.5 Internet Access
The Chairman informed Members that the issue of internet access had arisen as a result of the milk delivery ordering system going online which was a concern for residents without internet access, particularly the elderly.  He noted that provision of internet access at the Hall had been discussed at the last Management Committee meeting, and that once it was installed the Hall would be happy to make it available for the community at specified times each week.
16.6 Allotments
This was discussed at agenda item 9 above.
16.7 Community Updates
Councillor Marshall asked whether Councillors would support the next newsletter being provided in hard copy, as the Spring edition had been put on noticeboards and online but might not reach all residents.
Action: The Clerk to add approval of printing costs for the newsletter to the July agenda.
Councillor Gosbee provided an update on Mr Buxton, who was recovering at home after being in hospital.  Members agreed that Councillor Gosbee should purchase a token gift on behalf of the Council in recognition of Mr Buxton’s long service as a volunteer and discussed a permanent commemoration of his many years of voluntary service in the form of an inscription on the village sign bench.
Action: Councillor Gosbee to purchase a gift for Mr Buxton.
Councillor Buckley remarked on excessive parking around the Village Green War Memorial close to the junction which affected visibility coming down Paddock Close.
Action: The Clerk to ask PC Bowden to monitor parking in the area.
17.1 Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the March meeting. 
17.2 Members noted correspondence from Keep Britain Tidy regarding the Great British Spring Clean.
Councillor Marshall reported that the Women’s Institute were supporting the initiative.
18. STAFFING (21/18)
18.1 The Chairman informed Members that he and Councillor Marshall had carried out the Clerk’s appraisal and that no significant concerns had been raised by either party.  He noted that digitisation of cemetery records was the Clerk’s main objective for the forthcoming year.  He also informed Members that the Clerk had asked to establish regular working days and had proposed that she would respond to emails and calls on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays with Wednesdays and Fridays being non-working days, although she would let Councillors know if this changed, for example during school holidays.
Action: The Clerk to update her email signature to include her working days.
19.1 Monday 12 July at 7pm at Ropsley Hall.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm