Draft Minutes Annual Parish Meeting May 2021

The meeting commenced at 6.30pm.  Councillor Buckley chaired the meeting by virtue of his office as Chairman of Ropsley and District Parish Council.  He welcomed those present, who included Parish Councillors Gosbee, Marshall and Rowbotham, County Councillor Hill, Chris Cordon representing Ropsley Hall, Rick Clegg representing the Parish churches and Mrs Gascoigne the Parish Clerk. 
Apologies were received from Councillors Porter and Reeves and Tim Bullement, Chairman of Ropsley Baboons Cricket Club.
The Chairman explained that there had not been an Annual Parish Meeting in 2020 due to the pandemic.  He informed the meeting that since the last APM in 2019, the Parish Council had dealt with a difficult situation regarding the previous Clerk taking Parish funds, for which he was subsequently tried and convicted, and had since returned the funds in full.  The Chairman proposed that the minutes be approved as an accurate record of the meeting whilst noting that the some of the facts contained therein were subsequently found to differ.  The minutes were duly approved by the meeting.
Ropsley and District Parish Council
The Chairman gave a brief summary of the activities of the Parish Council over the preceding year.  He noted that the pandemic had been an extraordinary and difficult time for many, but he was pleased that the community had largely coped well, with support and kindness from family and neighbours.  He highlighted positive community initiatives over the past year including the new Ropsley Hall, with thanks to Chris Cordon and the team, and The Best Kept Garden Competition and Parish 2021 Calendar competition.  He thanked the teams of volunteers responsible for maintaining the parish’s green spaces and cemetery, keeping defibrillators in working condition, refurbishing the notice boards, painting the Humby phone box and benches and maintaining the planters on Peck Hill and spring bulbs in Ropsley and Little Humby.  He mentioned the free meals provided for the elderly and vulnerable during lockdown by the Green Man and the Christmas parcels organised by the Women’s Institute.  He also thanked the litter picker for his efforts in keeping the villages tidy.
Ropsley Hall
Chris Cordon then spoke on behalf of the Ropsley Hall Committee.  He noted that the last year had been difficult, as the old hall had closed during the first lockdown and the new hall had only been able to open on a couple of occasions since September.  As of 17 May the hall should be able to open for some of the clubs on a socially distanced basis and by 21 June it should be open to all without restrictions.  Mr Cordon noted the condition of the field, which was well used by the Colts football team and Baboons cricket team, and thanked Ropsley Farms for their assistance in maintaining it.  He added that many previous hirers would return to the new hall, and there were also new hirers including yoga.  Lincolnshire Touring Arts hoped to put on some events and it was hoped that the 120 capacity hall could be filled.  
Mr Cordon added that the committee was keen to hear from members of the community about what they would like to see at the hall, with previous requests including cinema nights, crafts, and dancing.  He also requested anyone who would like to help with the running of the hall, including with events and gardening, to get in touch, and stressed that volunteers need not sit on the committee.  On behalf of the Management Committee, Mr Cordon thanked everyone who supported the hall, including the Parish Council.
Ropsley and District Churches
Rick Clegg spoke on behalf of the local churches.  He noted that worship had been disrupted throughout the pandemic, with two long periods without indoor services, although some had been held last summer and an outdoor service had been held at Christmas. With an ageing congregation, many parishioners had been nervous about attending because of COVID but confidence was returning due to the vaccine.  Mr Clegg expressed disappointment that churches had not been able to open for private prayer and had been unable to hold their usual services with the school.  He mentioned that the pandemic had presented an opportunity to try new things, including Reverend Sorensen holding services on YouTube which had been attended by up to 90 people, some of whom would not normally attend church.  Mr Clegg noted that the churches’ mission and pastoral work had been constrained by the inability to go into parishioners’ houses, although it had been continued over the phone.  
The Church had supported the Women’s Institute’s work on food parcels at Christmas and District Councillor Trotters Christmas meal project.  Plans for a Science Weekend, Summer Fair and an Autumn concert had been cancelled due to COVID but all had been rearranged for this year.  A sponsored walk had been held which raised £1,600 to cover the collections lost through COVID, for which Mr Clegg thanked the community.  A 5-year survey of the church had found the building to be in good condition, roof repairs had been carried out and a roof alarm installed.  The clock had been maintained for which Mr Clegg thanked the Parish Council for their contribution.  
Councillor Rowbotham noted that Humby Chapel had been closed and had been locked for the last few weeks as the door handle was broken, although this had now been repaired.  An outdoor service had been held at Christmas and an indoor service at Easter, although no collections had been taken.
Ropsley Baboons Cricket Club
Tim Bullement, Captain of Ropsley Baboons Cricket Club had sent his apologies and had forwarded the club’s Development Plan for 2021 to the Clerk to give insight into the direction the Club was moving in.  He had confirmed that the previous S137 grant payment of £378.79 was used for materials for the square, as per the grant application and noted that a replacement mower would soon be needed as the current one had recently broken.
Mr Cordon asked what could be done about hedges encroaching onto the carriageway on Humby Road towards Ropsley, Chain Lane, Braceby Road and Crown Hill.  County Councillor Hill responded that the County Council as Highways Authority could ask the landowners to cut the hedges back, failing which they would carry out the work and recharge the cost to the landowner.  He asked the Clerk whether the Parish Council could send an initial letter to the landowner prior to action by the County Council and noted that the work could not take place until the Autumn due to nesting birds.
Mr Cordon also asked whether there was any mechanism for linking up footpaths which were kept in good condition, but which went nowhere, such as that from Ropsley to the A52.  Councillor Hill responded that a definitive map of Public Rights of Way had been drawn up in the 1960’s and although applications could be made to change, add or remove footpaths, a public enquiry would be required if there were any objections and a record of use would be required.
Mr Clegg asked after Mr Buxton following his recent accident.  He remarked upon Mr Buxton’s invaluable work in the community and thanked Councillor Gosbee on behalf of the church for picking up Mr Buxton’s duties in his absence.
The Chairman thanked those present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 7.05pm.